Press conference - 21 July
- Press conference
- Pantelis Dentakis
- Lola Lafon
- Chloé Dabert
- Madeleine Louarn
- Jean-François Auguste
- Nouveau Théâtre Populaire
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
79th edition D-164 From 5 to 26 July 2025
(Le Tartuffe / Dom Juan / Psyché)
by Molière
Fontaine-Guérin / Created in 2021
The joyous troupe of Nouveau Théâtre Populaire invites us on a crazy adventure: to journey together through the Molière continent and explore three iconic plays –Tartuffe, Don Juan, and Psyché.
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Under the skies of Avignon, the troupe of Nouveau Théâtre Populaire invite you on a crazy adventure: to journey together across the Molière continent! Bringing together three iconic plays—Tartuffe, Don Juan, and Psyché—directors Léo Cohen-Paperman, Emilien Diard-Detœuf, and Julien Romelard turn them into a single one. No sets here, and very few costumes, for in this simple theatre inspired by Jean Vilar, the actors alone give substance to theatre. With the goal of a journey through time and language, in which the 17th century crashes into ours, with all its doubts. But above all, a total experience for festivalgoers, for between the plays appears “Grand Siècle”, a playful, impromptu interlude which takes the form of an absurd radio show, in which each is free to take part if they so desire. A joyous and festive odyssey, to meet Molière at his closest and most accessible and entertaining… in a word, at his most popular !
Le Tartuffe 1h40 - Interval (Grand Siècle) 1h
Dom Juan 1h40 - Interval (Grand Siècle) 30 min
Psyché 1h40
With Pauline Bolcatto, Valentin Boraud, Julien Campani, Philippe Canales, Baptiste Chabauty, Léo Cohen-Paperman, Emilien Diard-Detœuf, Clovis Fouin, Elsa Grzeszczak, Lazare Herson-Macarel, Frédéric Jessua, Morgane Nairaud, Antoine Philippot, Loïc Riewer, Julien Romelard, Claire Sermonne, Sacha Todorov
Text Molière
Direction Le Tartuffe Léo Cohen-Paperman
Direction Dom Juan Emilien Diard-Detœuf
Adaptation and direction Psyché Julien Romelard
Conception and direction Grand Siècle (radio) Frédéric Jessua
Set design Anne-Sophie Grac
Costumes Zoé Lenglare, Manon Naudet
Lights Thomas Chrétien
Music Bravo Baptiste
Sound Lucas Lelièvre
Artistic collaboration Lola Lucas
Administration and production Lola Lucas assisted by Hugo Réauté
General stage management Marco Benigno
Sound assistant Baudouin Rencurel
Lights intern Thomas Mousseau-Fernandez
Production Nouveau Théâtre Populaire.
Co-production Festival d’Avignon, Le Quai - Centre dramatique national d'Angers, Centre dramatique national de Tours - Théâtre Olympia, CCAS, Association des amis du Nouveau Théâtre Populaire, Théâtre de Chartres, Centquatre-Paris, Mécènes et Loire
With the support of Tréteaux de France Centre dramatique national, and for the 75th edition of the Festival d'Avignon : Spedidam
With the creation support of the Région Pays-de-la-Loire and the participation of the Jeune Théâtre National
Duration : 6h30
Three food trucks on site
Entrée 74 rue Louis Pasteur 84000 Avignon
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 1h30
Duration : 1h17