
Tactile visit in the Cloître des Carmes, 2018 © Sharlie Evans

Accessible programming for the 78th edition

People with reduced mobility

Seats are reserved for people with reduced mobility or in wheelchairs, subject to availability. Please let us know when you make your reservation on +33 (0)4 90 14 14 14 or
Attention, the Théâtre Benoît-XII does not have PRM access. Please check the information about accessibility (toilets, seating) on the Festival venue pages.

Maps of car parks with disabled access spaces are available on :

Service for PRM journeys in Greater Avignon on presentation of proof (80% disability minimum) 0 800 456 456 or the PRM service of Orizo, public transport in Avignon.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing

  • Naturally accessible shows (dance, visual or non-speaking): CERCLES, Forever, Close Up, Juana ficción, Liberté Cathédrale, The Disappearing Act., Monte di Pietà, On ne fait jamais relâche.

  • Deaf or hard of hearing people / Shows with English subtitles: DÄMON El funeral de Bergman, Los días afuera, La gaviota, Soliloquio, Wayqeycuna, Reminiscencia, Història d'un senglar (o alguna cosa de Ricard), Hécube, pas Hécube, Absalon, Absalon ! Léviathan, LACRIMA, Lieux communs, la vie secrète des vieux, the Disappearing Act. Sea of Silence, Elizabeth Costello. Sept leçons et cinq contes moraux. Mothers, Terminal (L'État du Monde)

Connected glasses with LSF and adapted French surtitles are available free of charge on reservation on 10 July for the performance of LACRIMA by Caroline Guiela Nguyen at the following address:

Blind or partially sighted people

  • Some of the Festival's shows are accessible (text performances, concerts, readings and radio broadcasts)

  • Audiodescription shows in French are offered at every event. Lieux communs by Baptiste Amann on 9 July at 11am, preceded by a tactile tour of the set at l'Autre Scène du Grand Avignon - Vedène.

  • A light programme in Braille and large print is available in paper format at the Festival ticket offices.

  • La FabricA, the Festival's permanent venue, is equipped with podotactile strips to facilitate circulation in the building.

  • You can attend the shows with your guide dog.

An accessible website

With FACIL’iti, our website’s layout adapts to the needs of people with visual, motor, or cognitive disabilities. Many profiles are available to fit the needs of as many people as possible: visual impairment, Parkinson’s disease, age-related muscle loss, colour blindness, dyslexia, etc.

For a more comfortable experience, you can now customise the layout by choosing the profile that best suits you.

ACCESS THE service

© DR

Accessible modes of communication

We enable deaf, hard-of-hearing and aphasic people to communicate with us simply and freely, by telephone or in person, via the Acceo application. Once the Acceo application has been downloaded, users can access one of the three modes of communication below, with qualified operators who accompany them throughout the exchange.

You can reach us from Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5.30pm. In addition to our switchboard, the Festival's ticketing service will also be accessible this summer at the same opening hours as the Acceo operators.

1 - Download the free Acceo application on your computer, tablet or smartphone.
2 - Call us via the application or the link below.
3 - Select one of the services to be connected with an Acceo operator.
4 - The Acceo operator and the deaf and hard-of-hearing user call us and exchange face to face with a hearing person.

Contact the Festival d'Avignon

Communication modes available on Acceo © DR

Access to our venues

During the Festival, you can't access to the city centre of Avignon by car from 12pm to 2am. It's possible to access the city centre by showing a disability card. Some streets remain exclusively pedestrian.
Learn more about the accessibility of our venues

Orizo transport offers services accessible to everyone.
Learn more (FR)

To know all the services available at La FabricA, permanent venue of the Festival d'Avignon, the accessibility register is available below.

Advice, rates and services

So that we can adapt our welcome, please let us know about you needs: you would like advice on the program, to make a reservation, to benefit from adapted rates...

Reduced rates are available on presentation of proof (AAH or mobility inclusion card).

You can also consult the dedicated section in the program to choose adapted shows and obtain information at the ticket office and on the home page of the website.

Services offered according to your needs

Accessibility and disability contact