
by Pippo Delbono

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The 2004 archive

Pippo Delbono

Italy / Created in 2004

Urlo © Bellamy / Festival d'Avignon


Somewhere between popular cabaret and corporal poetry, a dance of love and theatre of crudeness, rage and wisdom, on the same stage level of popular eclectic music and humanist words, Pippo Delbono's plays slide into the breaches of a frail humanity. Founded in 1986 with Argentinian actor Pepe Robledo, the company led by this Italian stage poet forms a brotherhood of actors, some of them from the margins of normative society who have become symbols of a theatre of truth. Pippo Delbono presented three plays at the Avignon Festival in 2002, Il Silenzio, Guerra et La Rabbia.

“Urlo”, a cry. The cry of a new-born baby, but also the cry of the tortured, the cry of an angry person who announces the urgent need for a more human world. In Dante's language and that of Leopardi, “urlo”, also means a cry. The cry of the wind, the howl of wolves and of the pack of the powerful, the clamour of the multitude of people who stand up to them. Pippo Delbono and his company make the cry of power be heard in the mineral silence and the majestic space of the Carrière de Boulbon. In his search for a corporal and poetical language that is musical and silent, Pippo Delbono has not only sought to describe and decry political power, but also to question the mechanisms of domination hidden in the emotional blackmail and intricacies of our relationships. Pippo Delbono wrote this play with his troupe, among whom Bobò, a man who, like a child, is able to recapture the strangeness of gestures made for the first time and the wonder of first instants. The troupe is accompanied by a Romanian folk orchestra, Italian singer Giovanna Marini, and Umberto Orsini, renowned actor of Italian stage and screen. Urlo is a cry of anger thrown in the face of the powerful, but also a cry of love cast on the surface of the Earth.


stage direction Pippo Delbono
cast : Fadel Abeid, Dolly Albertin, Gianluca Ballaré, Bobò, Enkeleda Cekani, Margherita Clemente, Piero Corso, Pippo Delbono, Lucia Della Ferrera, Claudio Gasparotto, Gustavo Giacosa, Simone Goggiano, Elena Guerrini, Mario Intruglio, Nelson Lariccia, Mr Puma, Pepe Robledo... (distribution en cours)
with the participation of : Giovanna Marini, Umberto Orsini et de la Banda della Scuola Popolare di Musica di Testaccio (direction Silverio Cortesi)
scenography : Philippe Marioge
lighting : Manuel Bernard
set construction : Atelier de la Maison de la Culture de Bourge


coproduction : Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione (Modène), Festival d'Avignon, Le Volcan - Scène nationale du Havre, Maison de la Culture de Bourges, Scène nationale de Sète, Spielzeiteuropa Berliner Festspiele, Teatro di Roma, Théâtre de la Cité - Théâtre national de Toulouse
en collaboration avec : la Fondazione Orestiadi de Gibellina
avec le soutien de : l'Onda pour la traduction

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