Vive le sujet ! Tentatives - Serie 3


  • Vive le sujet !
  • Multidisciplinary
The 2024 archive

Rebecca Journo , Michael Disanka and Christiana Tabaro

France - Democratic Republic of Congo / Created in 2024

To see the stage of the Jardin de la Vierge as a space of experimentation: such is the idea behind Vive le sujet! Tentatives, which invites authors and artists to pick one or more companions and form multidisciplinary courts.

Vive le sujet ! Tentatives, serie 3 - canicular by Rebecca Journo & Trace... by Christiana Tabaro et Michael Disanka © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


Tentatives dramaturgiques

On 20 July at 7.30pm, on the plateau of the Jardin de la Vierge, Jessie Mill, co-artistic director of Festival TransAmériques, and Simon Hatab, dramaturge, are invited to take a dramaturgical look at their work, and invite the artists to talk about their creative processes. Access on presentation of a "Vive le Sujet ! Tentatives - Serie 3".

With the support of Calq, SACD

To see the stage of the Jardin de la Vierge as a space of experimentation: such is the idea behind Vive le sujet! Tentatives, which invites authors and artists to pick one or more companions and form multidisciplinary courts.

canicular // Rebecca Journo

Choreographer Rebecca Journo invites sound artist Diane Barbé for a performance based on the song of cicadas. Triggered by the vibration of their membranes, their singing the evolution of the temperature to become an indicator of heat. Immersing herself in this microcosm, Rebecca Journo returns with images of women-insects and hallucinatory droughts. With Diane Barbé’s psychedelic modulations as a backdrop, her dance revives our charred bodies.  

Trace... // Michael Disanka and Christiana Tabaro

Every show has its share of material set aside, of ideas that did not find a place in the final form. Michael Disanka and Christiana Tabaro call those fragments of scenes and other unfinished melodies their “poetic residue.” Delving into their archives, they turned those traces into a multidisciplinary performance: a testament to thirteen years during which a theatre that speaks to the world has been written in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 



  • Vive le sujet !
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Michael Disanka
  • Christiana Tabaro

The 2024 archive

Practical infos



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