"Le Jardin des délices" by Philippe Quesne, live broadcast on ARTE, 10 July 2023
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France / Creation at the Festival d'Avignon 2023
Between Hieronymus Bosch, environmental science fiction, and contemporary western, Philippe Quesne orchestrates a cheerful, retrofuturistic escapade to explore worlds yet to come.
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Welcome to Le Jardin des délices, a retro-futuristic epic that explores worlds yet to come. In the phantasmagoric space of the Carrière de Boulbon, Phillipe Quesne, creator of La Mélancolie des dragons, La Nuit des taupes, and Farm fatale, returns to the Festival to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of his company, Vivarium Studio. His team of performers, actors and musicians is ready to embark on an expedition through time to visit us, a journey inspired by the premonitory allegories of Hieronymus Bosch’s painting. The Dutch artist depicted the complete upheaval of mores, technology, and politics in a period of transition, between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In the same spirit, and at the crossroads between medieval bestiary, environmental science fiction, and contemporary western, Le Jardin des délices explores worlds on the edge of ours, where fantasy and utopia complicate the relationship between nature and culture, and offer a playful response to the threats we currently face.
With Jean-Charles Dumay, Léo Gobin, Sébastien Jacobs, Elina Löwensohn, Nuno Lucas, Isabelle Prim, Thierry Raynaud, Gaëtan Vourc'h
Design, direction and set design Philippe Quesne
Original texts Laura Vazquez
Other texts in progress
Costumes, sculptures Karine Marques Ferreira
Set design Élodie Dauguet
Dramaturgy Éric Vautrin
Directing assistant François-Xavier Rouyer
Technical assistant Marc Chevillon
Sound Janyves Coïc
Light Jean-Baptiste Boutte
Video Matthias Schnyder
Accessories Mathieu Dorsaz
General management François Boulet, Martine Staerk
Stage Manager Ewan Guichard
Light Manager Cassandre Colliard
Clothing Estelle Boul
Set Construction Ateliers du Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Production and Distribution Judith Martin, Elizabeth Gay (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne)
Production Charlotte Kaminski (Vivarium Studio)
Production Vivarium Studio, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
Coproduction Festival d'Avignon, Ruhrtriennale (Germany), Athens Epidaurus Festival, Tangente St. Pölten - Festival für Gegenwartskultur (Austria), Théâtre du Nord CDN Lille Tourcoing Hauts-de-France, Maison de la Culture d'Amiens Pôle européen de création et de production, Les 2 Scènes Scène nationale de Besançon, Centro dramatico nacional (Spain), MC93 Maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis Bobigny, Maillon Théâtre de Strasbourg Scène européenne, Kampnagel (Hamburg), Festival Next (Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai and Valenciennes), Scène nationale Carré-Colonnes Bordeaux-Métropole, Berliner Festspiele, National Theater and Concert Hall Taipei (Taïwan)
Residencies La FabricA du Festival d'Avignon, La Carrière de Boulbon, Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
With the support of the city of Boulbon
Captation with the help of ARTE
In partnership with France Médias Monde
Duration : 2h
On performance days, the Carrière de Boulbon opens at 7pm and there will be food and drink available. Access to the site will be possible until 9pm, with the show starting at 9.30pm sharp.
Spectators are asked to arrive well in advance, taking into account travel time, parking and access to the site on foot.
The show will be broadcast on ARTE on July 10th and will be available on ARTE.TV.
Navette aller-retour
Departure from Avignon-Poste, platforms 6-8-9. First departure at 7pm, last at 8pm 6€ round-trip. To be booked at the box office.
The site opens at 7.30pm. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the shuttle bus drop-off point, the car park and the Carrière entrance. We therefore advise you to arrive early. Please note that the last access to the car park is at 9pm and the last access to the Carrière is at 9.30pm. Refreshments and catering on site. There are no last-minute sales on site.
Access the ""Le Jardin des délices" by Philippe Quesne, live broadcast on ARTE, 10 July 2023" media
Access the ""Le Jardin des délices", mise en scène Philippe Quesne - Extracts" media
Access the "Young culture reporters - Le Jardin des délices" media
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Duration : 1h
Duration : 1h08
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