
  • Show
  • Theatre

Tiziano Cruz

Argentina / Created in 2024

In the Quechua language of his ancestors, Wayqeycuna means “my own brothers”. In this autobiographical play, modelled around an indigenous ritual, the artist from northern Argentina questions the triumph of neoliberalism. 

Wayqeycuna, Tiziano Cruz © Matias Gutierrez


In the Quechua language, the word wayqeycuna—literally, my own brothers—refers both to blood ties and to the community in northern Argentina Tiziano Cruz hails from. Wayqeycuna is the third part of an autobiographical trilogy he began after the death of his sister, with each part conceived as a song. After sadness and rage comes a time for reconciliation and letting go: letting go of European culture and of the Spanish language to reconnect with his indigenous roots. This rediscovery of himself happens through ancestral rituals the artist shares with local communities... In a cycle that began with Adiós Matepac et Soliloquio, Wayqeycuna provides a sort of conclusion. Not a final one, though, because just like grief, Tiziano Cruz’s song never truly ends. It continues to work within us long after it has come to a close.    

En lengua quechua, la de sus orígenes, wayqeycuna significa “hermanos míos”. En esta obra autobiográfica, el artista del norte de Argentina utiliza un ritual indígena para cuestionar el triunfo del neoliberalismo. 

he bread being distributed contains animal products. Ingredients flour, beef fat, margarine, yeast, salt, sugar, colouring.

Interview with Tiziano Cruz


Text, direction and performance Tiziano Cruz
Dramaturgy Rodrigo Herrera
Artistic collaboration Mag De Santo, Duen Sacchi
Music, sound and video Matías Gutiérrez
Lighting Matías Sendón
Costumes Luciana Iovane
Technical coordination Matías Gutiérrez
Art production and graphic design Luciana Iovane
Production, administration Tiziano Cruz, Cecilia Kuska
International relations Cecilia Kuska


Executive production Ulmus Gestión Cultural
Coproduction Mostra Internacional de Teatro de São Paulo, Festival d'Avignon, La Bâtie Festival de Genève, Zurich Theater Spektakel
With the support of Ulmus Gestión Cultural, ROSA studio and Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique
With the help of Ciudad Cultural Konex (Buenos Aires), Festival Internacional de Buenos Aires Residencies La Virreina Centre de la Imatge (Barcelona), CRL Central Elétrica (Porto)

Practical infos




La matinale - 10 July

  • Café des idées
Marta Górnicka, Fanny de Chaillé, Tiziano Cruz, Gabriel Calderón

Free entrance