Still the same

  • Café des idées

With Esprit magazine

On the paths of exile, the exploitation of female and vulnerable bodies remains an insidious and devastating reality

Café des idées, cloître Saint-Louis, 2023 © Karine Music


On the paths of exile, the exploitation of female and vulnerable bodies remains an insidious and devastating reality

En el camino de exilio, la explotación de los cuerpos femeninos y precarios sigue siendo una realidad insidiosa y devastadora. 


With Véronique Nahoum-Grappe, anthropologist, Tamara Cubas, creator of Sea of Silence, Lucie Laplace doctoral student at the Convergences Migration Institute and judge at the French Asylum Court

Hosted by Emmanuelle Saulnier-Cassia member of the Esprit editorial board


In partnership with France-Amérique Latine 

Practical infos
