Making Waves Avignon

A short guide to reconciliation

  • Café des idées

With Making Waves

A radio programme that gives young people the microphones, hosted live by young men and women from Bobigny, Noisy-le-sec, Avignon and Annecy, accompanied by the Making Waves team.

À la jeunesse les micros, cloître Saint-Louis, 2023 © Karine Music


Since its foundation in 2019, Making Waves has been committed to amplifying the voices of youth, with their questions, doubts, and aspirations. A heterogeneous and complex youth, graplling with the disorders of the world, full of expectations and contradictions. We will place our microphones in the heart of the cloître Saint-Louis every day to allow young adults to question the world and put their words on what happens to all of us, transforms us, invigorates us, or sets us on fire.

A short guide to reconciliation

Justice, which is supposed to ensure equal rights, protect against violence and punish the guilty, sets the rules for an ever-changing society as best it can. From punitive justice to restorative justice, we will be looking at the shortcomings and alternatives that exist in terms of repairing harm.


With Lorraine de Sagazan, director of Léviathan (in progress)

A proposal by Making Waves

Hosted by Louise Breon, Clément Chaize, Bertille Gadot, Robespierre Ganro, Renaud Lupovici, Basma Nasser, Mariama Seidi, Linda Souakria, AFEV solidarity apprentices


In partnership with Festival d'Avignon, MC93 - maison de la culture de Seine-Saint-Denis in Bobigny, Bonlieu Scène nationale Annecy, AFEV du Vaucluse, Centres de jeunes et de séjours du Festival d'Avignon

With the support of Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires, DILCRAH, the Fonds d'Aide aux Jeunes (FAJ) du Département du Vaucluse, the Fondation Baudoux to promote integration through work and the Agence française de développement

Practical infos


Making Waves Avignon

So we thought we were born at the right time
  • Café des idées
With Making Waves

Free entrance

Making Waves Avignon

Turn your tongue 7 times in your mouth and spit
  • Café des idées
With Making Waves

Free entrance


  • Show
  • Theatre
  • Lorraine de Sagazan

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