• Workshops presentation
  • Dance
The 2024 archive

Boris Charmatz

France - Allemagne / Created in 2024

Boris Charmatz presents a collection of circle dances to a group of 200 amateurs and professionals. A surge of open-air choreographic creation that builds day after day. 

CERCLES, Boris Charmatz, 2024 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


Boris Charmatz invites the audience of the Festival to join him in a stadium to take part in an open-air workshop, between past and present. The choreographer explores the circle, a shape that has always haunted the memory of dance, whether traditional or modern, classical or contemporary. How can we give our round dances new dimensions? Conceived as a choreographic emergence developed over the course of days by 200 amateurs and professionals alike, CERCLES inaugurates a new space of research. In his desire to shake up our heritage and to allow himself to be moved, the choreographer dreams of extending our perception of dance by breaking away from the usual formats. He invites us into the heart of his process for this project. 

Boris Charmatz transmite una colección de danzas en círculo a un grupo de 200 aficionados y profesionales. Una eclosión coreográfica al aire libre que se construirá a lo largo de los días. 

Interview with Boris Charmatz


With Régis Badel, Guilhem Chatir, Ashley Chen, Olga Dukhovna, Çağdaş Ermiş*, Julien Gallée-Ferré, Simon Le Borgne*, Johanna Elisa Lemke, Azusa Seyama-Prioville*, Asha Thomas, Solène Wachter *dancers from Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch
and the participation of Nadia Abid, Laure Adler, Stéphanie Adou, Kyann Aghsaei, Justine Agalor, Alain Alfonsi, Tara Arigela, Marie-Laure Arouna, André Attia, Théo Aucremanne, Celine Balduini, Myriane Baret, Nour Batailh, Arnault Beghin, Swan Bélémy, Ludivine Bertrand, Adrian Blancard, Nicole Blanloeil, Thibaut Boidin, Agnes Bonnet L’Homme, Noémie Boplé, Angélique Bosdeveix, Elsa Bouillanne, Sylvain Bouillet, Amal Boukrime, Eugénie Bourdeau, Caroline Boutin, Émilie Bouyssou, Jean-Baptiste Braud, Thomas Braus, Jean-Marc Brune, Léa Buisson, Marine Burgevin, Ana Calero, Vincent Chaudanson, Ariane Chauprade, Jeanne Chauvin, Louise Chenneviere, Anastasia Coudron, Elisabeth Cozian, Alain Creste, Emanuela Croce, Claudine Dall Orso, Christine De Lavigerie, Bruno Debize, Sophie Dejode, Claudine Deladerriere, Antoine Delepiere, Delphine Demangeon, Stéphanie Dessales, Manon Devauchelle, Catherine Driessens, Magali Ducros, Aurélie Dufresne, Maxime Dupont, Marlène Dupuy, Stéphanie Dussine, Choumicha El Azzaoui, Nezha El Haloui, Nicole El Medioni, Aurélie Fardel, Jean-Marc Fauré, Joelle Faye, Julien Febvre, Nina Flores, Jade Formosa, Sabine Garcia, Marina Gato, Marie Genoud, Sandra Genre-Grandpierre, Marie-José Giacomelli, Camille Gillet, Olivier Giordana, Flavie Giret, Eda Gjelstrup, Stéphane Goasmat, Colette Gosse, Fabrice Gottini, Gladys Goudou, Audrey Goukassian, Lilou Gourdant, Mélina Gremeaux-Barbuscia, Laetitia Grimaldi, Florence Grundeler, Léna Guessab, Myriam Guibert, Robin Guivarc’h, Clarisse Guy, Noémie Guyot, Pascal Hamant, Timothée Hamel, Sami Hamida, Leila Hamidaoui, Lucie Hansberger, Suzanne Henry, Patricia Horváth, Cecile Huet, Arnaud Jacquin, Céline Joliot, Maya Kawatake Pinon, Vincent Kedinger, Stéphanie Kuntzelmann-Valette, Frederic Labarre, Véronique Lacroix, Sylvain Lamothe, Ghislaine Lamy, Helene Langlet, Eliora Larès, Sébastien Lauro Lillo, Marie Yannick Le Borgne, Olivier Le Corroncq, Mona Le Fur, Jessica Le Pape, Vincent Ledieu, Marc Legrand, Violette Legrand, Natacha Liège, Catherine Liotier, Mado Lizzi, Jean-Marc Lopez, Lise Lopez, Christophe Loridan, Viviane Loridan, Sophie Lucarotti, Julia Maïnetti, Mireille Majourel, Marion Malbrun, Elisa Manke, Claire Mayot, Magali Mazars Veillé, Zahra Mechergui, Stanley Menthor, Éloïse Mercier, Lucie Merle, Valeria Micheli, Chantal Monnier, Célia Morel, Claudia Niro, Lucile Notin-Bourdeau, Jenjac Pabion-Debaret, Félix Paré, Camille Pedrielli, Luc Pelletier, Matthias Pingel, Sandrine Plagne, Cathy Pollini, Rachel Poulenard, Dominique Poupinet, Sandrine Ragusi, Parisa Rasouli, Lucas Resende, Veronika Reva, Arsène Richard, Nathalie Richard, Christian Riou, Bernadette Roche, Amélie Rodier, Céline Rodriguez, Yoann Rollo, Joanna Rommelaere, Julien Ronzon, Lola Roussin, Jonas Roux, Claire Ruppli, Enzo Russo, Christine Satrin, Patrick Sauthier, Bernar Sentucq, Emmanuelle Sokolowski, Thomas Soldano, Hélène Solère, Marie-Anne Steiner, Delfina Stella, Jean Pierre Strauch, Marion Sutre, François Tardy, Alexandre Tessier, Claire Thiriet, Hugo Tippett, Eric Tourneur, Jacques Touzain, Alina Tskhovryebova, Matthew Van Oss, Florence Vasseur, Violaine Vezolle, Gilles Viandier, Céline Victoria, Pauline Vincent, Smila Vita Hoppe, Marie Vonderscher, Carlota Weber, Catherine Yelnik, Akima Zerourou, Abdeslam Zhiri, Lina Zhiri
Concept Boris Charmatz
Choreographic assistant Magali Caillet Gajan
Music Meute
General manager François Aubry "Moustache"
Sound manager Périg Menez
Director Hélène Joly (Terrain)
Administrative manager Dr Daniel Siekhaus (Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch)


Executive Management Hélène Joly
Production Lucas Chardon, Briac Geffrault, Martina Hochmuth

Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch

Administration Daniel Siekhaus
Artistic Management Robert Sturm
Tour planning and Management Leonie Werner
Production Collaboration Julia Honer
Press, PR, Marketing Ursula Popp


Production Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch + Terrain
Coproduction Pina Bausch Zentrum (Wuppertal), Festival d'Avignon
In partnership with Centre national de danse contemporaine d'Angers
With the support of Kunststiftung NRW (Düsseldorf), City of Wuppertal, Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ministère de la Culture Drac Hauts-de-France, Région Hauts-de-France

Choreographic material Étude révolutionnaire by Isadora Duncan, Boris Charmatz, proposals inspired by traditional dances by Régis Badel, Magali Caillet Gajan, Guilhem Chatir, Ashley Chen, Olga Dukhovna, Çağdas Ermiş, Julien Gallée-Ferré, Simon Le Borgne, Johanna Elisa Lemke, Azusa Seyama-Prioville, Asha Thomas, Solène Wachter

Practical infos



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La matinale - 30 June

  • Café des idées
Angélica Liddell, Séverine Chavrier, Boris Charmatz

The 2024 archive