What future for the performing arts in 2050? Forecasting on a generational scale

Act 3 - Power to the artists: What tools of power?

  • Café des idées
The 2023 archive

With News Tank Culture

What will be their relationship with the State and local elected representatives?
What influence will they have on society, on political issues and on intellectual debate?

Cloître Saint-Louis, salle colloque © Festival d'Avignon


Act 3 of "What kind of performing arts in 2050?" What will be the 'instruments' of power for professionals in the performing arts? How will the economic and social 'status' of authors, and the career paths and jobs of performers and technicians evolve? What will become of show producers in the digital age, and what about artists' self-production?


With Chloé Dabert director of the CDN de Reims, Nathalie Garraud director of the CDN de Montpellier, Anne-Claire Gourbier general delegate of the ASTP, Arnaud Meunier director of the scène nationale de Grenoble, Patricia Michel administrator of La Colline théâtre national, Christopher Miles general director of artistic creation at the Ministry of Culture (co-production of the module on management), Jean-Philippe Thiellay president of the Centre national de la musique.

Animated by Bertrand Dicale and Romain Berrod (News Tank Culture)

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