Vive le sujet ! Tentatives - Série 4


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The 2023 archive

France / Creation at the Festival d'Avignon 2023

To see the stage of the Jardin de la Vierge as a space of experimentation: such is the idea behind Vive le sujet! Tentatives, which invites authors and artists to pick one or more companions and form multidisciplinary courts.

Vive le sujet, Tentatives ! Série 4 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


To see the stage of the Jardin de la Vierge as a space of experimentation: such is the idea behind Vive le sujet! Tentatives, which invites authors and artists to pick one or more companions and form multidisciplinary courts. For the first time, those artistic attempts will continue as thought-experiments in the Café des idées. Jessie Mill,co-director of the Festival TransAmériques, and Victor Roussel, programme director at the Théâtre de la Bastille, will welcome artists on 11 and 22 July to discuss their process and creations. 


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