
24 heures dans la vie d’une femme

  • Films
  • Encounter
The 2023 archive


ARTE invites you to discover the series and book that inspired Mathilde Monnier to create Black Lights, and to meet the authors Nathalie Masduraud, Valérie Urrea, Agnès Desarthe, Grazyna Plebanek and Alice Zeniter.

H24, 24h dans la vie d'une femme, Nathalie Masduraud et Valérie Urrea © Arte


ARTE invites you to discover the shock series that inspired Mathilde Monnier for her new creation Black Lights and to meet the authors Nathalie Masduraud, Valérie Urrea, Agnès Desarthe, Grazyna Plebanek and Alice Zeniter.

H24, a "manifesto series" inspired by real events and still online on arte.tv, reports on the violence women face in the course of a day. H24 - 24 hours in the life of a woman brings together twenty-four short films based on short stories written by twenty-four European women authors and performed by as many exceptional actresses. This diversity of voices and talents inspired choreographer Mathilde Monnier to create her new show, Black Lights, presented at the Cloître des Carmes at the Festival d'Avignon from 20 to 23 July.

Nathalie Masduraud makes documentaries, in particular portraits of artists, notably Ella Fitzgerald and Françoise Sagan. She also deals with social and historical issues, such as denunciation and propaganda during the Occupation, and the living conditions of black people in the French colonies.

Valérie Urrea deals with various subjects such as autism and gender, racial issues and dance. In particular, she has made several documentaries about the choreographer Mathilde Monnier.

They made their first film together in 2014, Afrique du sud - Portraits chromatiques, a documentary dedicated to the South African photography scene produced by ARTE, and accompanied by a mini-series. They returned to the theme of photography in their next film, Focus Iran, l'audace au premier plan (2017), devoted to the young Iranian scene whose portrait, through the prism of photographic practice, is continued in the web-series Iran#NoFilter. Also for ARTE, in 2020 they will make Pornotropic, Marguerite Duras ou l'illusion coloniale, then in 2021 H24, 24 Heures dans la vie d'une femme and Alice Guy: l'inconnue du 7e art.

The screening of a selection of episodes will be followed by a meeting with Mathilde Monnier, Nathalie Masduraud and Valérie Urrea, co-creators of the series, and authors Agnès Desarthe, Grazyna Plebanek and Alice Zeniter.

A book signing session for the book (ARTE Editions - Actes Sud) will be held at the Collection Lambert bookshop.


Design and direction Nathalie Masduraud and Valérie Urrea
With Mathilde Monnier, Nathalie Masduraud and Valérie Urrea, Agnès Desarthe, Grazyna Plebanek and Alice Zeniter


Coproduction ARTE France, Les Batelières Productions (France, 2022, 25 x 3'30)
In partnership with La Collection Lambert

Practical infos


Portrait of Nathalie Masduraud and Valérie Urrea © Marie Rouge
