Jupiter's moon

  • Cinematographic territories
  • Films
The 2021 archive

Kornél Mundruczó

Jupiter's moon, a film by Kornél Mundruczó, 2017 © Pyramide Distribution


On a dark night, in dead silence, a few dozen migrants from Serbia try to cross the river in a makeshift boat to get to Hungary. Hunted by border police, those who manage not to drown flee into the woods. Shouts and gunshots: the cops, excited as for a hunt, track down migrants and shoot at those who run. One of them aims and fires at a young man standing only a few steps away… but when he comes closer, there is no body. Aryan, the victim, discovers he has the strange power to levitate above the trees, to glide painlessly in spite of what should be fatal wounds. He will be treated by Stern, the refugee camp physician, and together they will bet on a world in which miracles can be bought.



Screening presented by Jean-Christophe Ferrari editor in chief cinema - Transfuge


With the cinemas Utopia
In partnership with Transfuge magazine

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Jupiter's moon, a film by Kornél Mundruczó, 2017 © Pyramide Distribution

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