
De Frédéric Vossier

  • Theatre
  • Show
  • Cancelled edition
The 2020 archive

Anne Théron

Strasbourg / Created in 2020

A former militant arrested and tortured by the military regime, Anna returns to her brother, himself a former soldier. For one night, she’s come to check that the unthinkable really did happen.
Condor © Andres Serrano, Room With Blood (Torture), 2015, courtesy of the artist and Nathalie Obadia gallery


A bunker with its metal gates and ghost images oozing out of a surveillance screen: the setting of Condor is a reminder of the brutal repression that terrorised Latin America starting in 1975. A dark period in the history of the continent during which thousands of dissidents opposed to allied dictatorships were assassinated. The mental space of a traumatic memory which serves as backdrop to this attack of sleep apnoea written by Frédéric Vossier. A real “psychological and political nightmare”, all silence and tension, sculpted by Anne Théron. A work which finds its origin in the very power of the scream. The scream of Anna, a tortured activist who now finds herself facing her brother Paul, a former executioner of the Brazilian regime who exhibits no remorse. The scream of a woman who has come to check that the unthinkable really did happen, whatever the price. The scream of any being striving to free themselves from their memories and their condition as a victim, for too long their only scars and unique identity.


With Mireille Herbstmeyer, Frédéric Leidgens

Text Frédéric Vossier
Direction Anne Théron
Choreography Thierry Thieû Niang
Stage design, costumes Barbara Kraft
Lights Benoît Théron
Sound Sophie Berger
Video Mickaël Varaniac-Quard
Assistant direction Hélène Bensoussan, Claire Schmitt


Production Théâtre national de Strasbourg, Les Productions Merlin
Co-production MC93 Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, Festival d'Avignon, Théâtre Olympia Centre dramatique national de Tours, Le Quai Centre dramatique national Angers Pays de la Loire
Avec l'aide of Ateliers Théâtre national de Strasbourg for the production of the costumes and Ateliers Théâtre du Nord (Lille) for the set's production

Practical infos


Condor © Andres Serrano, Room With Blood (Torture), 2015, courtesy of the artist and Nathalie Obadia gallery

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