Encounters Research and Creation Crossing the Worlds - Civilisations and imagination
- The Workshops of thought
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 3h
Read more about Encounters Research and Creation Crossing the Worlds - Civilisations and imagination
79th edition D-157 From 5 to 26 July 2025
By Eschyle
Strasbourg / Created in 2019
A whole world in a poem for a new generation of artists. A point of reference “in times of danger.”
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A whole world in a single poem. Our source and origin, both in terms of theatre and of politics, and our point of reference “in times of danger,” as Jean-Pierre Vincent likes to define it: the Oresteia. With this great Greek tragic trilogy the director, a regular at the Festival d'Avignon, decided to embark on a three-year adventure with the Groupe 44 of the École supérieure d'art dramatique du Théâtre national de Strasbourg. A long-term project to understand and experience an epic which never feels as relevant as when the wind of history blows through it, a once-in-a-lifetime adventure for twelve student actors and twelve other studying stage management, scenography, costume design, dramaturgy, etc. Together, they make theirs the words of Aeschylus and play Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, and The Eumenides. No thought of the future is possible without that ancient memory. Let's listen to this young generation tell us this free, modern poem.
A director who played three times in the Cour d'honneur and who has headed prestigious institutions (Théâtre national de Strasbourg, Comédie-Française, Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers) as well as an experimenter (Théâtre Ouvert in Avignon), Jean-Pierre Vincent has dedicated his life to teaching and to sharing his experience with new generations.
As the only drama school part of a national theatre in France, the École supérieure d'art dramatique follows the rhythm of the Théâtre national de Strasbourg. Since its creation in 1954, it has provided groups of student actors, stage managers, scenographers, costume designers, directors, and playwrights with a multidisciplinary three-year degree.
Aeschylus (525-456 BC) is the oldest of the three major Greek tragic authors. Among his surviving plays is the Oresteia, a trilogy focusing on the cursed family of the Atreidae to describe the three moments of crime, vengeance, and expiation. Aeschylus is at once the chronicler, the poet, and the promoter of Athenian democracy.
With Groupe 44 of the l'École supérieure d'art dramatique du Théâtre
national de Strasbourg : Daphné Biiga Nwanak, Océane Cairaty, Houédo Dieu-Donné Parfait Dossa, Paul Fougère, Romain Gillot, Romain Gneouchev, Elphège Kongombé Yamalé, Ysanis Padonou, Mélody Pini, Ferdinand Régent-Chappey Yanis Skouta, Claire Toubin
Text Eschyle in the version of Peter Stein
Translation from German Bernard Chartreux
Direction Jean-Pierre Vincent
Dramaturgy Bernard Chartreux, Hugo Soubise-Tabakov
Stage design, direction assistant Estelle Deniaud
Costumes Margot Di Méo
Lights Vincent Dupuy
Sound Lisa Petit de la Rhodière
Video Enzo Patruno Oster
Collaboration with Edith Biscaro, Simon Drouart, Germain Fourvel
Production Théâtre national de Strasbourg
Co-production Compagnie Studio Libre
Stage set construction and costumes confection at the ateliers
du Théâtre national de Strasbourg
Duration : 5h
With the École supérieure d'art dramatique du Théâtre national de Strasbourg
Cloître Saint-Louis
Duration : 3h
Read more about Encounters Research and Creation Crossing the Worlds - Civilisations and imagination
Cloître Saint-Louis
Site Louis Pasteur Supramuros - Avignon Université
Duration : 1h