Used by ancient clergy and today's stars, the carpet is red, the path holy. The red carpet insulates the powerful from the ground. Is it because that ground is vile, tainted, or much too banal? Or are we to understand that it is the visitor or his entourage who refuse this contact? In Red Carpet, Nadia Beugré talks about the above and the below. Below is Africa. Humans exploited just so that the riches of the land can be extracted, with the blessing of local governments. Bodies twisted and broken so that their land can be made attractive to new infrastructures. What is the cost of this hospitality? The choreographer questions the concept of unconditional hospitality defined by Derrida and argues that hospitality should come with its own rules and duties... in order to prevent all those destructive collusions that have existed for too long.
Interpretation Nadia Beugré and Seb Martel
Choreography Nadia Beugré Music Seb Martel Artistique adviser and dramaturgy Boris Hennion
Production Latitudes Prod-Lille Coproduction SACD-Festival d'Avignon Avec le soutien de la DRAC Nord-Pas-de-Calais Remerciements à Kader Lassina Touré