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The 2011 archive

Cyril Teste / Collectif MxM

Paris / Created in 2011

Éditions öö has published the text of "SUN" in a limited edition.



They are six and seven years old, a boy and girl brought together by chance in a blended family. They love each other, they want to get married, they have a witness: their little five-year-old sister. That's settled, they'll fly to Africa on January 1st to fulfil their dream, in the sun. On the morning of December 31st, leaving their parents asleep in bed, they leave the suburbs of Hanover for the airport... This is a true story that happened in Germany two years ago. It is what the journalists call "a short news item". In the theatre, it can become a tale because the news item not only reveals the private side of a life, but also the state of a whole society. Cyril Teste and his companions from the Collectif MxM seize upon this incredible attempt at a love journey, this desire for new horizons, to build a show that questions one of our most secret personal territories: that of childhood. Mixing journalistic documents, literary texts and interviews, film materials and visual elements, they organize a space in which, through a happy tale without danger or fear, a universe springs out from the deepest part of our memories. Words and images contributing to make a poem in which the children are the heroes. A theatre poem that describes the world from a child's viewpoint, without innocence but with complete freedom. A documentary poem that does not reject the most contemporary technologies, those that enable the space-time of the stage to open up in an attempt to recover the buried part of these moments when everything seemed possible, between dreams and reality. Here, art listens to the children's words. It does not seek sensationalism but the truth of a story, its undeniable character and its sincerity. An atypical love story, of dazzling and disquieting simplicity that skilfully invites us to rethink what we are and what makes us what we are. JFP


text and direction Cyril Teste
artistic collaboration Joël Jouanneau, Servane Ducorps
dramaturgy Philippe Guyard
scenography Cyril Teste, Julien Boizard, Élisa Bories
music Nihil Bordures
lighting Julien Boizard
costumes Marion Montel, Élisa Bories
video Patrick Laffont, Mehdi Toutain-Lopez, Nicolas Dorémus
programmed objects Christian Laroche

with Matteo Eustachon, Stéphane Lalloz, Babacar M'Baye Fall, Zina-Lucia Méziat



production Collectif MxM
coproduction Festival d'Avignon, Le CENTQUATRE-Paris, Scène nationale de Cavaillon, Le Parvis Scène nationale de Tarbes, la CCAS, Le Carré-Les Colonnes Scène conventionnée de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles Blanquefort, L'Onde Théâtre et Centre d'art de Vélizy-Villacoublay
avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (DRAC Île-de-France et DICRéAM), de la Région Île-de-France, du Conseil général de Seine-et-Marne, du Conseil général de Seine-Saint-Denis, du Fonds SACD Théâtre, du TGP-CDN de Saint-Denis, de la Ferme du Buisson Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée et de la Fondation d'entreprise Hermès dans le cadre de son programme New settings
Par son soutien, l'Adami aide le Festival d'Avignon à s'engager sur des coproductions.

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