Falk Richter and Anouk van Dijk are both used to casting a curious and incisive look at the society that surround them. Their new piece, Trust, therefore very naturally questions the way human behaviours, in particular, relational behaviours, are affected by the economic crisis that has hit us. If we can no longer trust money's value, or the financial institutions that run the world but that no longer ensure the preservation of a fair and reassuring system, why wouldn't our trust in our love life and our relationships with others be shaken? There is no choice but to observe that our relationships come into being and disintegrate in an increasingly short lapse of time, stoking a frenzied race towards feelings. All the more so as the image of the human being conveyed over the last few years has radically stressed individualism and celebrated the ideal of freedom. On stage, mixing monologues and dialogues composed of rapid exchanges, short sentences, repetitions and crossings, Falk Richter's writing directly connects with the choreography of Anouk van Dijk, who invents an incessant ballet of falls, slides, escapes and coming-togethers. The same humour, the same distancing, the same virtuosity to reveal the questioning that we all face, in an environment turned upside-down; the same desire to push, sometimes as far as the absurd, break-up and coupling situations. We are surprised at the fact that we laugh at these being who want to buy and sell everything, who no longer even know who they are, who no longer recognise each other whereas they have obviously had a long history together and seem doomed to a puppet's fate. Theatre madness, both amusing and terrifying, Trust considers itself the chronicle of an off-kilter world, told by two artists who are both critical and generous. JFP
direction and choregraphy
Falk Richter et Anouk van Dijk
dramaturg Jens Hillje
scenographer Katrin Hoffmann
music Malte Beckenbach
light Carsten Sander
costumes design Daniela Selig
with Malte Beckenbach (music), Peter Cseri, Lea Draeger, Jack Gallagher, Vincent Redetzki, Judith Rosmair, Kay Bartholomäus Schulze, Stefan Stern, Anouk van Dijk, Nina Wollny
production Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz (Berlin)
coproduction anoukvandijk dc
avec le soutien du Goethe Institut, du Ministère des Affaires étrangères de l'Allemagne, de la Fondation néerlandaise des Arts vivants+, de la Communauté d'Amsterdam, de l'Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas à Paris et du Theater Instituut Nederland
L'Arche Éditeur est agent théâtral du texte représenté.