Je crois que vous m'avez mal compris (I think You Have Misunderstood Me)

by Rodrigo García

  • Theatre
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The 2002 archive

Rodrigo García



In France, which actor other than Marcial Di Fonzo Bo could pour himself so closely into the words of Rodrigo García. Between the Franco-Argentinian actor and the Hispani-Argentinian director, exists a story of fraternity and a pre-established understanding. It' s the tale of their same return to the mother tongue. So much so that it was inevitable that the words of one, would meet the body of the other. Alchemy is a matter of energy and osmosis. With this soliloquy that flows like the spittle of lava, Je crois que vous m' avez mal compris (I think you have misunderstood me), a miracle occurs. On the one hand, Marcial Di Fonzo Bo, his stocky physique, compact and forceful, his inimitable way of articulating phrases as if he was kneading dough, his elegant roughness is never tripped up by syntax or pronunciation. He is without doubt one of the most powerful actors of his generation. On the other hand, there is the radical and politically incorrect author, Rodrigo García. Disrespectful, outrageous,irreverant, he drives, head down, without looking, into the fat of society. A real libertarian, he works towards individual fulfilment, challenges conventions, tramples bourgeoises values and slams the worship of money. They were made for this meeting. The urgency of one and the presence of the other. Both agreeing to push to the extreme, to reach the limits, to make theatre a firebrand, a danger, a crater, and to restore to the stage its folly and its grandeur.


translation Christilla Vasserot
stage direction Rodrigo García
cast : Marcial di Fonzo Bo, Boris Didym
lighting : Carlos Marquerie


Production :Maison européenne des écritures contemporaines Production déléguée :Théâtre des Lucioles-Rennes
Chargée de production : Coralie Bathélemy
En collaboration avec : La Carnicería Teatro
Avec le soutien :du TNT Théâtre national de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, du Festival d'Avignon et du Théâtre national de Chaillot
Texte publié :aux éditions les Solitaires intempestifs

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