Asservies (Bondagers)

by Sue Glover

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2001 archive

Guy-Pierre Couleau



First part of Le Sel de la terre diptych. Scotland, in the mid-nineteenth century. Six women work on the great Border farmlands owned by an aristocrat from the South of the country. Behind the labours of these women lies a pyramidal and ancestral hierarchy. The aristocrat puts his farms in the hands of master farmers. They in turn employ tenant farmers who take on labourers. Finally, the labourers choose women, at a hiring fair, for seasonal work. Fair or modern-day slave market ? From there come these six peasant women, the youngest of them on the brink of adulthood falls in love for the first time and in so doing shares her passions, her joy and her suffering with the others. All of them carry out the tasks of the absent men, either having emigrated or having gone to fight in the war. Sue Glover, was born in Edinburgh, lives in Fife, and is the author of many works for stage and television.


translation Guy-Pierre Couleau
stage direction Guy-Pierre Couleau

With : Dominique Charpentier, Emmanuelle Grangé, Vanessa Koutseff, Flore Lefebvre des Noëttes, Katia Mayen, Pascale Oudot
Assistant director : Amélie Blottière
Lighting : Laurent Schneegans
Music originale : Philippe Miller
Stage design : Noëlle Ginefri
Costumes : Pascal Souillart


Coproduction : Des Lumières & des Ombres, Le Moulin du Roc–scène nationale de Niort, Théâtre de Cornouaille–scène nationale de Quimper, Le Théâtre–scène nationale de Poitiers, Le Nouveau Théâtre de Besançon–CDN de Franche Comté.
Avec le soutien de : l'Adami (Coup de Cœur), de la direction régionale des Affaires culturelles et de la région Poitou-Charentes.
Spectacle : Coup de coeur de l'Adami.
Textes poubliés aux Editions de l'Avant-Scène.

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