Festival and popular education

A Movement for a New Education, the Ceméa are an openly activist organisation. As members of associations, daily actors, and politically active citizens, the militants of the Ceméa know that history, the practices of yesteryear, and the actions of today put the Ceméa at the centre of the development of a New Education.


The Ceméa see this New Education as an innovative conception of education and claim that a social transformation of the political and social environment is necessary. The Ceméa reiterate their fight for the values of laicity, democracy, fraternity, solidarity, and for human rights. They are committed to the construction through education of a social and political Europe, a Europe of the people, and are taking part in the organisation of a European civil society that can be seen and heard. The ideas of trust and of respect for the other are the very basis of any educational action.

Public Relations Department

Education Department - Virginie Carletti, associate teacher at the Festival d'Avignon


The CDJSFA - Centres de jeunes et de séjours du Festival d’Avignon (Youth centres of the Festival d’Avignon) - is an association founded in 1959 by Jean Vilar. Its goal is to make the Festival accessible to youths and adults from France and abroad, alone, in groups, or with their families. It organises stays which allow the participants to experience at once a cultural event and a holiday.  

During the Festival, the CDJSFA focus on two things:  

  • community centres open by day to college and secondary school students from the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region,

  • the organisation of the Workshops of thought on the Louis Pasteur Supramuros Avignon Université.  

To know more:cdjsf-avignon.fr

Centres de jeunes et de séjours du Festival d’Avignon

J'y suis, j'en suis

In response to the stays for secondary school students organised by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, which aren’t open to students from Avignons, the CDJSFA welcome the city’s youths (college and secondary school students, apprentices, and individuals aged 12 to 17), either in groups led by teachers or individually.The idea is to allow these inhabitants of Avignon to discover or to experience this major Festival of contemporary creation in a different way, through workshops, encounters with the artists and moments of conviviality.

The Centres de jeunes et de séjours du Festival d’Avignon are offering three separate sessions, all of which will take place at the Lycée Saint Joseph.

This educational project is conceived and implemented by militants from the Ceméa, in partnership with the Festival d’Avignon and takes place within the legal framework of a community centre.

The dates of the trips in 2025 :

  • From 4 to 6 July 2025

  • From 7 to 11 July 2025

  • From 15 to 17 July 2025

Individual registrations will open shortly.

For more information on group registrations, please contact Virginie Carletti, Avignon Festival relay teacher:service.educatif@festival-avignon.com

Further information from theCDJSFA secretariat

Secondary School Students in Avignon

The programme Secondary School Students in Avignon is a space dedicated to artistic and cultural education during the Festival d’Avignon, organised by the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Organised in collaboration with the CDJSFA and implemented by the Ceméa, this immersion in the Festival d’Avignon takes the form of a 5-day stay during which secondary school students and apprentices from the region are able to attend four shows, meet artists, and take part in educational and cultural workshops to discover the energy of Avignon during the Festival.  

The goals are:

  • encourage cultural openness,

  • initiate the students to various dramatic forms of contemporary creation,

  • give them the tools necessary to understand the shows,

  • sharpen their critical thinking skills.

To choose the schools which will take part in this programme fairly, we follow a number of criteria, such as:  

  • ease of access to cultural infrastructure,

  • distribution throughout the region,

  • geographical distance from Avignon.  

Furthermore, the relevance of the group project and the number of students taking part in it are also two key criteria.

In 2023, 10 schools, 120 students and 10 cultural structures from Aix-en-Provence, Briançon, Digne les bains, Gap, Marseille and Nice will be involved in this project.

A project articulated in three stages:

  • Before the Festival: A training day with all the participants will be held on April 13th at La FabricA of the Festival d'Avignon and at La Maison Jean Vilar.

  • During the Festival: on the occasion of the 77th edition, the stay will take place from 11th to 15th July 2023.

  • After the Festival: The scheme includes a post-Festival phase in partnership with a local cultural structure. Thus, at the beginning of the school year, the pupils of each school will be invited to extend the festival experience by attending a performance and by participating in workshops led by the Ceméa.


To take part in the training of staff that can fully and actively accompany artistic and cultural experiences, the FabricA of the Festival d’Avignon hosts an internship for BAFA holders, from 22 to 27 October, 2108. Organised and hosted by the Ceméa, this internship offers both activities and moments of reflection about cultural support. Which activities can children and teenagers be offered before and after a show? How to make people question and identify with a cultural object during a visit, a show, a meeting?