Talents Adami Théâtre

  • Reading
  • Talents Adami Theatre

With Centro Dramático Nacional

Six Talents Adami Théâtre perform two Spanish texts in French for the 78th edition of the Festival d'Avignon.

Talents Adami Théâtre 2023 © Thomas Bartel


Six Talents Adami Théâtre perform two Spanish texts in French for the 78th edition of the Festival d'Avignon. Under the guidance of author Alfredo Sanzol (director of the Centro Dramático Nacional) and Sara García Pereda (whose text will be the subject of an unpublished translation), the young Talents Adami Théâtre had the opportunity to rehearse in Madrid at the Centro Dramático Nacional before the performances in the courtyard of the Calvet Museum.

With Mad Alina, Thomas Bellein, Célia Bouy, Adèle Journeaux, Savannah Rol and Thomas Sagot.

5 July // GRRRL

By Sara García Pereda

Translation Emilia Fullana Lavatelli, Maison Antoine Vitez

6 July // El bar que se tragó a todos los españoles

By Alfredo Sanzol

Translation David Ferré, Actualités Editions

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