Los días afuera

  • Show
  • Theatre
The 2024 archive

Lola Arias

Argentina / Creation 2024

The show contains strobe lights.

A group of cisgender women and transgender people freed from an Argentinian prison take to the stage to re-enact their past behind bars and imagine their future through dance and song. With clear-headedness and joy! 

Los días afuera, Lola Arias, 2024 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


Before Los dias afuera, Lola Arias shot a movie with former inmates in a disused prison: REAS. This show is the second part of the diptych that began with that film, and like it, it takes the form of a musical documentary. This musical show focuses on life after prison for those cisgender women and transgender individuals. Now caregivers, taxi drivers, or sex workers, they recall their conditions of detention and imagine their future outside of those walls. Theatre, dance, and singing become means of rebuilding themselves by appropriating an uncertain future. Recipient of the prestigious International Ibsen Award in 2024, Lola Arias has mastered the art of blending genres and blurring boundaries: playing with the codes of the music hall in an installation that evokes the outskirts of Buenos Aires, between voguing movements and Cumbia tunes, Los dias afuera is an ode to freedom. 

Un grupo de mujeres cisgénero y personas transgénero liberadas de una cárcel argentina sube a escena para recrear su pasado tras las rejas e imaginar su futuro a través de la danza y el canto. ¡Con lucidez y alegría! 

Interview with Lola Arias


With Yoseli Arias, Paulita Asturayme, Carla Canteros, Estefania Hardcastle, Noelia Perez, Ignacio Rodriguez 
and Inés Copertino (musician)
Concept, text and direction Lola Arias
Dramaturgy Bibiana Mendes
Artistic collaboration Alan Pauls
Translation for surtitles Alan Pauls (French), Daniel Tunnard (English)
Scenography and sets Mariana Tirantte
Choreography Andrea Servera
Music Ulises Conti, Inés Copertino, Augustin Della Croce
Lighting David Seldes
Video Martin Borini
Costumes Andy Piffer
Assistant Director Pablo Arias Garcia
Stage Manager David Seldes
Video Manager Martin Borini
Sound Manager Ernesto Fara
Production and tour set-up Lison Bellanger, Emmanuelle Ossena (EPOC productions)
Tour Director Lucila Piffer
Administration and production Mara Martinez (Lola Arias Company)
Production Luz Algranti, Sofia Medici
Technical production Ezequiel Paredes
Assistant set designer Lara Stilstein
Assistant director CTBA Julián Castro, Florencia Galano
Production assistant Juan Manuel Zuluaga Bolívar
Set design assistant Lara Stilstain
Stage management assistant Facundo David
Casting Tálata Rodríguez (GEMA films)
Legal advisor Felix Helou
Social work Soledad Ballesteros


Production Lola Arias Company
Associated production Gema Films
Coproduction Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires, Festival d'Avignon, Festival d'Automne à Paris, Théâtre de la Ville (Paris), Théâtre national Wallonie-Bruxelles, Festival Tangente St Pölten, Kaserne Basel, La Comédie de Genève, Maxim Gorki Theater (Berlin), Nationaltheatret (Oslo), Scène nationale du Sud-Aquitain (Bayonne), Le Parvis Scène nationale Tarbes-Pyrénées, La Rose des vents Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve-d'Ascq, Next Festival, Théâtre national de Strasbourg, International Sommerfestival Kampnagel (Hamburg), Théâtre national de Bordeaux en Aquitaine, Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurich), Künstler innenhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), The Brighton Festival, Centre dramatique national Orléans Centre-Val de Loire, Fonds TransFabrik deutsch-französischer Fonds für darstellende Künste
Set construction Ateliers de construction du Théâtre National Wallonie Bruxelles
With the support of Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique
Acknowledgements Gema Juárez Allen and Clarisa Oliveri, Rita and Remo Pauls, Lucia Arias, Roy Kaplan, Laura Nicolás, Mariana Volpi, Mellisa Aller
Performances in partnership with France Médias Monde

Practical infos



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  • Café des idées
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The 2024 archive


  • Cinematographic territories
By Lola Arias

The 2024 archive