La gaviota

Based on La Mouette by Anton Tchekhov

  • Show
  • Theatre

Chela De Ferrari

Pérou - Spain / Created in 2024

In this adaptation, the director and a troupe of mostly visually impaired and blind actors bring a very intimate touch to one of Anton Chekhov’s major works. The first creation of Spain's Centro Dramático Nacional at the Festival d’Avignon. 

La gaviota, Chela De Ferrari, rehearsal photo © Bárbara Sánchez Palomero


This is a story of unrequited love. Konstantin, son of the great actress Arkadina, is in love with Nina, herself an aspiring actress who falls in love with Boris, a man of letters. It is a tragedy on the edge of comedy, which will end in a gunshot. And before that, all those characters will have been tormented by their desires and overwhelmed by their powerlessness, until everything seems futile... Accompanied by the Madrid Centro Dramatico Nacional, appearing for the first time at the Festival, Chela De Ferrari approaches The Seagull with a cast mostly made up of blind and visually handicapped actors. The Peruvian director continues to bring new blood to great works of the repertoire with help from performers who define themselves as disabled. By bringing the audience closer to their lived experience, she sheds new light on Chekhov’s play. 

En esta adaptación, la directora y un grupo de actores, en su mayoría con discapacidad visual, insuflan cierta intimidad a una de las obras capitales de Antón Chéjov. La primera creación del Centro Dramático Nacional de España en el Festival de Aviñón. 

Interview with Chela De Ferrari


With Patty Bonet, Paloma de Mingo Heras, Miguel Escabias, Emilio Gálvez, Belén González del Amo, Antonio Lancis, Domingo López, Eduart Mediterrani, Lola Robles, Agus Ruiz, Macarena Sanz
and Nacho Bilbao (musician)
Text Anton Chekhov
Adaptation and direction Chela De Ferrari
Dramaturgy collaboration Luis Alberto León, Melanie Werder
Music Nacho Bilbao
Sound Kike Calvo
Choreography Amaya Galeote
Set design Alessio Meloni
Lighting David Picazo
Video Emilio Valenzuela
Costumes Anna Tusell
Assistant director Adrián Saba


Production Centro Dramático Nacional - Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (Spain)
With the support of Olympiade Culturelle, Instituto Cervantes

Practical infos


