Voix d'auteurs : Se délier la langue by Noëlle Renaude

by Noëlle Renaude

  • Fictions
  • Theatre
The 2023 archive

Avec France Culture et la SACD


An unpublished text by Noëlle Renaude, a major figure in contemporary French theatre, who again and again immerses poetry in her work.

Portrait of Nicolas Maury © Jules Faure


"I loved the cinema but I wrote for the theatre as I would have written novels. And I had to forget the theatre to take it beyond its borders. Then I wrote novels as I had written theatre and loved cinema, not forgetting this time what the theatre had taught me during all those years when I had to think about the stage and the language that constitutes it. With the cinema in ambush, the orality of the theatre crept into the novel. It was a good thing. But poetry, as a genre, I've always had a hard time with it. I let it infuse theatrical writing. So of its own accord, logically, it invited itself into the novel, like a tenacious and feisty little cousin. And then, almost backwards, I finally put her in front of me, so unloved, so unknown, and I could only do that, entangle her in the novel, the cinema and the theatre."
Noëlle Renaude

Noëlle Renaude is a playwright born in 1949. Her entire theatrical work has been published since 1987, mainly by Théâtrales. She has written about a hundred novels under pseudonyms and published several texts not intended for the stage, including De tant en temps, commissioned by the Frac Aquitaine, and Accidents, an epistolary essay. Rivages/Noir commissioned a novel from her. Les Abattus, published in 2020. Then Une petite société in 2022. The same year, P.m. Ziegler, peintre, published by Inculte.

Se délier la langue
Unpublished text by Noëlle Renaude


In the presence of Noëlle Renaude

Text Noëlle Renaude
Performed by
Nicolas Maury
Director Laure Egoroff
Music composed and performed by Olivier Marguerit (guitar and piano)
Assistant director Justine Dibling


Creation for France Culture

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