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The 2023 archive

Blandine Rinkel

A farmer tells his story to a musician. One night, he lost his hearing. The other’s lost track of his desire. L’entente is a fable about deafness, attention, and all that rustles deep within ourselves. 

L'Entente, Blandine Rinkel, 2023 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


I live on what others don’t know about me.” (Peter Handke) 
Exterior, night, in the West. A farmer tells his story to a musician. A resounding trauma. 
One night, the farmer lost his hearing. As for the musician, he recently lost track of his desire. 
Yet on this night—as faceless presences quiver around them—the two strangers hear each other as clearly as for the very first time. 

What can listening do? 
With its stripped-down story, told face to face, and its music all in sharp frequencies and latent melancholy, L’entente is a fable—in movement—about deafness, attention, and all that rustles deep within ourselves. 


With Clément Gyselinck, Gabriel Legeleux (Superpoze), Blandine Rinkel
Text and direction Blandine Rinkel
Music Superpoze
Choreography Clément Gyselinck


Production 3C
Coproduction SACD, Festival d'Avignon
With the support of Champs Libres (Rennes)
Acknowledgements Jean-Baptiste Boyer (for the painting), Jimmy Kinast, Solène Lataste


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