Third Life of Francis of Assisi

(The Simple and the Open)

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The 2013 archive

Jean Michel Bruyère / LFKs

Marseille / Created in 2013

No reservation for this show, you can buy tickets on site.
Troisième vie de François d'Assise © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


In 2012, the artists collective LFKs premiered, at the Festival d'Aix-en-Provence, A Huey P. Newton Situation, a contemporary opera inspired by the Free Huey Rally that the Black Panther Party organized on 17 February 1968 in Oakland, California. Four young men from the Jas de Bouffan district (where the opera was prepared and performed) incarnated the Black Panthers in it, a role they will play again in December 2013 in Chicago, in a performance inaugurating an exhibition by LFKs, “Looking Back on Chicago”. Between these two collaborations, LFKs proposed doing another creation together but for this one involving the entire group of friends that the four “Panthers” belong to: about 15 young people, boys and girls from the same district, the same housing development, almost all of them having grown up in the same building and maintaining simple and solid ties of affection and mutual aid. So, in May 2013, LFKs shot a film with 15 young people, a Third Life of Saint Francis of Assisi, for which some of beautiful natural sites in the Marseille and Aix-en-Provence region served as backdrops: Mount Sainte-Victoire, the Espigoulier pass, the Saint-Pons estate, the Lambruisse farm, the Saint-André chapel in Fontblanche... Even if the actual production of this film will be done some time after LFKs' creation for the 67th Festival d'Avignon, the show was the basis for constructing this film, which is one of its main elements. The figure of Saint Francis of Assisi, that of Claire too, are brought up in it for a reflection on poverty and joy, humility and courtesy. Theatre, philosophy, music and song, cinema, art: The members of LFKs couldn't care less about categories. Used to creating in huge venues and large spaces, the artists who immigrated to Marseille have, this time, decided to invest a bicycle shed, located at the emergency exit of the Salle Franchet, the former visitors' room of the Lycée Saint-Joseph.


Frères Ange, Léon et Ruffin, Thomas de Celano, Les fioretti de St François d'Assise, Chrétien de Troyes, Léon Bloy, Georges Duby, Jean Michel Bruyère, James Carr

Claire Andries, Thierry Arredondo, Goo Bâ, Frédéric Belin, Martine Brunott, Jean Michel Bruyère, Enzo Carniel, Richard Castelli, Jean-Paul Curnier, Nadine Febvre, Benoît Foulquié, Julien Ho Kim, Charles Michel, Alexander Swan, Delphine Varas
Aurélie-Maeva, Climako Belle, Tito Bone, Hannes Braun, Olivia Browns, Louise Bruyère, Franck Di Meo, Benjamin Forté 'Bigben', Johan Gabriel 'Harless', Axel Gnaman 'Zoukal', Salah-Eddine Khouiel, Stéphanie Kola, Kamel Naïmi, Lukas Panier-Ramora, Laura Serfaty, Jean-Philippe Sourisseau, Djibril Sow, Rémy Tempia, Barbara Wojciekovsky


production LFKs, Epidemic
coproduction Festival d'Avignon, Epidemic
with the support of BNP-Paribas Foundation

LFKs is supported by Région Paca, Ville de Marseille and DRAC Paca
LFKs is in residence at la Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille

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