Inhumain (Inhuman)

Texte nu (The Bare Text)

by Stéphane Keller

  • Reading
The 2002 archive

Didier Sandre



This script was written in 1995, it is the last I wrote for the stage. Since then, we have split up, the theatre and I. However, rest assured, there is no bitterness, no rancour in these few lines. It is simply a question of a missed or delayed rendezvous, that's all. My texts have not been widely talked about. A question of time, of convergence, I don't know. I wanted to write political drama. Hence, Au jour le jour (From day to day) and Route 33 touched on the rise of the National Front. Chômeurs longue durée (The long-term unemployed) dealt with... Bravo, you've guessed it ! and Campagne électorale (Election campaign) were situated in a suburb which a right-wing man who strangely enough resembles a certain Mr. Schuller, was trying to win as political candidate, and that was well before the affair which has since made him famous. But these subjects do not interest many people. Again it is a question of the right time and the right place, or perhaps the right treatment. I wanted to live off my writing, which I have managed to do by writing scripts for television. Inhumain (Inhuman) is then my last attempt before I went over to the enemy. It is an immodest work because it recalls certain childhood memories and personal experiences. If there is a subject that is central to my work, it is the loss of innocence, the loss of illusions. My "heroes" are always people who implose because they have experienced humiliation, failure, rejection and who sometimes become indifferent monsters. I want to go on describing these men and women who lose their self-respect, who lose the will to fight or to believe in a future. If they haunt me, it's because I could have been one of them, and that is something one doesn't forget.
Stéphane Keller


read by : Didier Sandre
proposed by : Jean-Michel Ribes, administrateur théâtre de la Sacd


Coproduction : Sacd, Festival d'Avignon
Lecture enregistrée par : France Culture

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