
by d’Antonio Nóbrega

  • Music
  • Show
The 1999 archive

Antonio Nóbrega

Brazil / Created in 1999


Lightning. Thunder. Crackling bursts of light. Antonio Nobrega, the violinist, leaps on stage like a god of Nature. He's the show host, whose talents as a musician, dancer, mime artist and, man of the theatre, all go to demonstrate a cultural identity that belongs to Pernambouco and the Nordeste region of Brazil. Thirty musicians, dancers and actors surround Little Antonio, a role among others played by Nobrega in the Carriere Boulbon Tonheta. Little Antonio is an endearing character reminiscent of those in Goldoni's plays and whose theatrical adventures are interspersed with musical sequences led by the original Indian wind instruments, and European - style string instruments and African percussion. This performance is played in the spirit of the travelling performers - a combination of those from the European Middle Ages and from Brazilian literature. Antonio Nobrega has had a classical training and is also well-versed in Latin American ethnomusicology. He is a clever story-teller who knows how to explain music, physical gesture as well as the Capoiera (a dance form of martial art) and the poetry of Cordel, a popular oratory jousting practiced in the Pernambouca villages.


stage direction d’Antonio Nóbrega

Choreography and assistant director : Rosane Almeida
Scenography : Dantas Suassuna
Costumes : Eveline Borges
Lighting : Marisa Bentivegna
Texts : Antonio Nóbrega and Bráulio Tavares
Music : Antonio Nóbrega, Wilson Freire and other Brazilian composers
Music assistant : Zezinho Pitoco


Production : Teatro Brincante et Festival d'Avignon
Avec l'aide du :SESC-São Paulo et du secrétariat à la Culture de la ville de Recife
Pernambouc a été crée avec le soutien du : Parc de la Villette et de la Cité de la Musique qui a proposé, à l'occasion du 500e anniversaire de la fondation du Brésil, une grande manifestation sur les musiques du Brésil
Le programme brésilien a été réalisé avec l'aide du : ministère brésilien de la Culture, du SESC (Serviço Social do Comercio) de São Paulo, de l'ambassade de France au Brésil, des consulats généraux de France à São Paulo et à Rio de Janeiro, de l'alliance française au Brésil, de l'Association française d'action artistique-ministère des Affaires étrangères et du département des Affaires internationales du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication.
Avec le concours de : Air France

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