
(L’État du Monde)

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The 2024 archive

Inês Barahona and Miguel Fragata

Portugal / Creation 2024

What if the climate crisis was also a crisis of imagination? A play that harbours the hope of reinventing the world from what remains when everything burns. A work that's halfway between urgency and hope. 

Terminal (L'État du Monde), Inês Barahona, Miguel Fragata, 2024 © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon


The stage of Terminal (The State of the World) is overrun by large roots. On stage, four characters looking for a way out: they hold up a faithful and dystopian mirror to our present. For Inês Barahona and Miguel Fragata of the Formiga Atómica company, the worst is not yet to come: the catastrophe is here already. The climate crisis is the starting point of their project, based on testimonies collected during field investigations conducted between Portugal and France. What can we do as forests burn? What can theatre still achieve ? We can imagine futures, answer the author and the director: because the climate crisis is also a crisis of imagination. That is the meaning and the ambiguity of this Terminal, at once ending and beginning, an attempt to bring us together to set us in motion. 

¿Y si la crisis climática también fuera una crisis de la imaginación? Una obra que alberga la esperanza de reinventar el mundo a partir de lo que queda cuando todo arde. Una obra entre emergencia y esperanza. 

Interview with Inês Barahona et Miguel Fragata


With Anabela Almeida, Vasco Barroso, Miguel Fragata, Carla Galvão
and Manuela Azevedo, Hélder Gonçalves (musicians)
Text Inês Barahona
Director Miguel Fragata
Set design Eric da Costa
Music Hélder Gonçalves
Lighting Rui Monteiro
Costumes José António Tenente
Assistant Director Beatriz Brito
Motion assistance Victor Hugo Pontes
Set construction Eric da Costa, Paula Hespanha, João Salgado, José Pedro Sousa
General manager Nuno Figueira, Luís Ribeiro
Sound design Nelson Carvalho, Tiago Correia
Production Sofia Bernardo, Luna Rebelo
Translation for surtitles Madalena Caramona (English), Thomas Resendes (French)


Production Formiga Atómica
Coproduction Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II (Lisbon), Teatro Nacional São João (Porto), Cine-Teatro São Pedro de Alcanena, Lavrar o Mar (Aljezur), Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, Teatro Municipal de Ourém, Teatro Virgínia (Torres Novas), Teatro Viriato (Viseu), Trigo Limpo teatro Acert (Tondela), Théâtre du Point du Jour (Lyon), Festival d'Avignon
With the support of the Portuguese Republic Ministry of Culture Direção-Geral das Artes (DGArtes) and for the 78th edition of the Festival d'Avignon: Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian - delegation in France, Portuguese Embassy in France, Camões Institute
With the help of Centro de Experimentação Artística (Vale da Amoreira), SDivine Fátima Hotel Congress & Spirituality, Polo Cultural Gaivotas Boavista (Lisboa), Teatro Meridional (Lisboa) 
Résidence La FabricA du Festival d’Avignon
Aknowledgments António Leitão, Bruno Melo (Gate7), David Palma, Diogo Pires (SAFRA), Josué Maia, Marina Almeida, SDivine Fátima Hotel Congress & Spirituality, Tiago Coelho (RSC Xpress)

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La matinale - 13 July

  • Café des idées
Inês Barahona, Miguel Fragata, Noé Soulier, Lorraine de Sagazan

The 2024 archive

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The choice of Inês Barahona and Miguel Fragata
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The 2024 archive