One can't run an theatre innocently

Remembering the future with Jean Vilar

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2021 archive

With the Association Jean Vilar and the Bibliothèque nationale de France

Running a theatre while remaining an artist.A panel around Jean Vilar’s legacy.

Jean Vilar © Agnès Varda - Enguerand


To run venues and public service theatre institutions, to create works, to work with audiences and accompany other artists… By looking at Jean Vilar’s career and at some of his writings, artists who run theatres explore this double role.


WithJean Bellorini director of the TNP, Nathalie Garraud, co-director of the CDN of Montpellier, Laëtitia Guédon director of Plateaux Sauvages, Fabrice Murgia director of theThéâtre national Wallonie-Bruxelles, Rachid Ouramdane director of the Théâtre de Chaillot, Olivier Py director of the Festival d’Avignon

Hosted by Fabienne Pascaud fromTélérama

Practical infos




  • Theatre
  • Show
  • Laëtitia Guédon

The 2021 archive