Alternatives Théâtrales further explores the themes discussed during the debate organised on 8 March 2016 at the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles. This event, conceived and hosted by Sylvie Martin-Lahmani (co-publication manager), will be divided into two main parts:
- Presentation of issue 129 of the magazine alternatives théâtrales: “writing and creation by women”
With Antoine Laubin, co-publication manager, Laurence Van Goethem, finance and administration manager, Selma Alaoui and Benoît Hennaut, members of the editorial board
- Dialogue with women directors programmed at the Festival d'Avignon
With Maëlle Poésy, Cornelia Rainer, and Anne-Cécile Vandalem
Hosted by Sylvie Martin-Lahmani, publishing co-director