The Controversies of Le Monde in Avignon - July 10

Can politics be saved?

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2016 archive

With Le Monde

The Controversies of Le Monde in Avignon - July 10 © DR


The loss of interest in political parties and major elections keeps growing. Yet, from Occupy Wall Street to Nuits debout, from primaries to collectives of private citizens, from the anti-austerity movement in Spain to whistleblowers, another way of doing politics is being invented. Taking the form of a radical critique of capitalism, of direct democracy, of a logic of occupation, of overcoming the divide between right and left or, on the contrary, of a heightening of ideological oppositions, a wave of engagement is rising up against this current phenomenon of depoliticisation. But how can we turn those initiatives into long-term movements? How can those forces escape attempts by politicians to exploit them for their benefit? Should they seek to gain power or stay away from it? Meet two intellectuals trying to make their ideals come true.


Meeting conceived and hosted by Nicolas Truong, in charge of the Ideas-Debates section of Le Monde
With Julia Cagé, economist and Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, philosopher


In partnership with Le Monde

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Site Louis Pasteur © Christophe Raynaud de Lage
