Social activity / Cultural activity - July 8

Equal rights between women and men. Girls and boys: what’s the situation in france in 2016?

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2016 archive

With the CCAS

Social activity / Cultural activity - July 8 © DR


In spite of the laws and the rights that have been won, equality between women and men is far from being a reality at work, in education, in the family, and in the public sphere. At the origin of those inequalities are multiple causes that have deep roots in the history of our societies. One of them is the differences in socialisation of youth based on sex and gender.

But while many are currently working to identifying and exposing this cause, we still have to imagine and implement the means that would lead to significant progress and long-term solutions to provide actual equal rights, in a world smothered by inequalities.


With in particular Sabine Salmon, President of Femmes Solidaires, Maxime Apostolo, Pulsart


In partnership with the association Femmes solidaires and Clara-magazine

Practical infos


Site Louis Pasteur © Christophe Raynaud de Lage
