Social service and cultural activity - 22

Arts and work - Le geste

  • The Workshops of thought
The 2015 archive

In partnership withe the CCAS 

Social service and cultural activity - 22 © DR


The Caisse central des activités sociale de l'énergie partners for a second consecutive year with the Workshops of Thought and invites thinkers, entrepreneurs, and union representatives to think about the relationship between leisure, work, and art.

Creativity at work and artistic creation: what do they have in common, how can they help people to emancipate themselves? What role do they have to play within a social organism?


With Christine Castejon, philosophe, analyste du travail et membre du bureau de la SociétéI Internationale d'ergologie, Vincent Puig, Patricien des relations culture, recherche et industrie depuis 1993. Marie-Pierre Bouchaudy, chargée de mission auprès de l'agglomération Plaine Commune, 
Moderated by Jean-Pierre Burdin, art and work consultant, former adviser of the CGT Culture


In partnership with the CCAS 

Practical infos


© DR
