Kaddish is a long poem that Allen Ginsberg wrote in 1961 under the influence of amphetamines, three years after the death of his mother, Naomi, a militant communist who went mad, whereas he thinks he sees her on a Manhattan street. Taking inspiration from the Jewish prayer for the dead, he goes back over his history with her, her hospital stays, her distress, but also the New York and America of those years. Arthur Nauzyciel presents this cruel and painful love song in which the pitiless narration of Naomi's descent into hell is crossed by mystical poetry. Since 2006, Arthur Nauzyciel has presented four shows at the Festival d'Avignon.
text Allen Ginsberg reading by Arthur Nauzyciel
production Centre dramatique national Orléans/Loiret/Centre coproduction Musée d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaïsme