Yan Duyvendak's performances are based on a play between TV or movie images and their impossible reproduction with the resources of live performance. In You Invited Me…, the artist uses sound tracks from films to call up that figure to whom the cinema, principally American, has given tangible substance: evil. In Self Service, Yan Duyvendak raises questions about the relationships between text and image: which of them creates meaning? Lastly, in My Name Is Leo…, the performer grapples with the final 15 minutes of a cult film with stunning special effetcs.
coproduction: You Invited Me… Centre pour l'Image contemporaine (Saint-Gervais Genève), Stiftung Kunst Heute (Bern) • coproduction Self Service Centre pour l'Image contemporaine (Saint-Gervais Genève), Fonds d'art contemporain de la Ville de Genève, Nuit de la science, musée d'Histoire des sciences de la Ville de Genève • coproduction My Name is Neo… Centre pour l'Image contemporaine (Saint-Gervais Genève)