Les tortues dorment toutes nues dans leur carapace (Turtles Sleep Naked in their carapaces)

by Odile Darbelley et Michel Jacquelin

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The 2003 archive

Odile Darbelley, Michel Jacquelin

France / Created in 2003


In the Church of the Célestins converted into a sort of Warholian factory, the Grand Feuilleton begins. It is a tale of the tribulations of the Albert Pophtegme group. As the doors open, the spectator discovers the group's work universe and how they got into the place. At the side, between the Church and the cloisters some people are playing A Midsummer Night's Dream and the sound of the video can be heard – snatches of music or bursts of voice. The Albert Pophtegme group is squatting in this fringe theatre to accomplish the work of a contemporary artist - happy-for-everyone, an ephemeral installation whose priniciple is that “you can go around it”.This first episode respects the format of a series. The action, recurring characters, suspense. During this adventure, which will continue in the autumn elsewhere, our actors of contemporary art produce a work while at the same time showing the path that leads there, and exposing their project to the ironic view of others. Batty lecturers, visionary scientists, pitiful and grandiose artists, the crazy clowns invented by Odile Darbelley and Michel Jacquelin give a kick start to a contemporary and interactive new play. At the Festival in 2001, they presented Un Lièvre Qui A Des Ailes Est Un Autre Animal (A Hare which has Wings is a Different Animal), a production of several installation/performances in the Church of the Célestins. In 2003, they explore a constructive rapport with the audience, torturing and bludgeoning the validity of the seriousness of all artistic creation.


stage direction Odile Darbelley et Michel Jacquelin
with the participation of: Vincent Bossu, Pierre Clarard, Chicco Gramaglia, Cyril Hernandez
(distribution en cours)


Coproduction du Grand Feuilleton :Festival d'Automne à Paris, Maison de la Culture de Créteil, Fondation Professeur Swedenborg pour l'art contemporain, Association Arsène
Avec le soutien :de la Fondation Cartier pour l'Art contemporain, du CDDB-Théâtre de Lorient, du Centre culturel André-Malraux
de Vandœuvre-les-Nancy, du Théâtre Garonne-Toulouse, de la DRAC Ile-de-France, du Conseil régional d'Ile-de-France, de la DMDTS du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, du Festival d'Avignon et du Théâtre de la Cité Internationale de Paris

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