Dom Juan

by Molière

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2002 archive

Claire Lasne



Director Claire Lasne, takes theatres and puts her own band of complicit actors on the stage playing dramas about existence, full of torment, laughter and tears. She likes abundance and generosity, battalions of characters and plays teeming with the destinies of those who run after a certain idea of happiness, until they are out of breath. She loves Chekhov, and has already staged Platonov, and Ivanov. It was only logical then that she should undertake L' Homme des Bois, performed alternately with Molière's Dom Juan. Fast-moving trajectories traverse this Chekhov play later was by the playwright revised and became Uncle Vania. A heterogeneous community is exposed to the vexations of life, the hazards of the age, the imperatives of sentiments. These stories of thwarted or secret love, of imperious desires, are not actually so far removed from Molière and his Dom Juan, the impenitent womanizer who takes one heart after another, trying to delay the onset of reason and death. Claire Lasne stages passion common to all and brought close in these plays performed on a round stage under a circus tent. The same troupe of actors make Chekhov's feverishness and Molière' s acidity reverberate. In a single eager breath, the actors, with their steely personalities, melt into the flesh and thoughts of the characters, carrying off a seemingly impossible task hands down.


stage direction Claire Lasne
cast : Pierre-Louis Calixte, Silvia Cordonnier, Dominique Guihard,
Gérard Hardy, Anne Klippstiehl, Richard Sammut, Anne Sée,
Aude Suarez-Pazos, Aymeri Suarez-Pazos, Thibault Suarez-Pazos,
Laurent Ziserman
artistic collaboration : Laurent Darcueil, Nicolas Fleury
costumes :Nicolas Fleury
assistant costumes : Sophie Schaal
lighting :William Lambert
sound :Thomas Sillard


Production :Centre dramatique Poitou-Charentes
Théâtre associé: Théâtre-Scène nationale de Poitiers
Avec le soutien : Région Poitou-Charentes

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