Les Hommes dégringolés (The Collapsed Men)

by Christophe Huysman

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2001 archive

Olivier Werner, Christophe Huysman*



A man has disappeared. Men have disappeared. A poet and actors travel through towns across the countryside, dig through archives, scour museums etc. With each meeting, with each stage of the story "a distressed body", the state of the world. And each body thus encountered discloses a fresh mystery, a fantasy, anger, airyness, a war, abandon, another detail over which to ponder. For example, a man lying on a larder :
- what has happened to him ?
- how long has he been there ?
- is he dead ? is he resting ? is he earning a living ?
- where does he come from ? (what is he made of ?) we will see if he's breathing, if he speaks, if he hasn't forgotten what happened to him ?
- is his right leg shaking ?
- did he lace his left shoe ?
- is the larder empty or full ?
This voyage into various organisms (political, visceral, intimate) is a question of one's own life, one's own death.If a man disappears.


stage direction Olivier Werner et Christophe Huysman*
assistant director : Irène Afker
with : Vincent Dissez, Christophe Huysman,
Olivier Werner
and the voice of : Sophie Gueydon
stage design, costumes
video : Sigolène de Chassy
sound : Thibault Hédoin
lighting : Nicolas Simonin
*a Villa Médicis prize-winner


Coproduction : Théâtre de Dijon-Bourgogne- centre national dramatique,
Théâtre Jean Lurçat-Scène nationale d'Aubusson,
Compagnie l'Anneau
Avec le soutien : du Festival d'Avignon et du Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers
avec l'aide à la création : du ministère de la
Culture et de la Communication-
Avec le concours : de l'Adami
Texte édité par : Les Solitaires Intempestifs

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