1003 coeurs ou les fragments d'un catalogue de Don Juan (1003 hearts, or the fragments of Don Juan's catalogue)

by Mozgó Ház

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 2001 archive

László Hudi

Hungary / Created in 2001


Don Juan is said to have seduced 1003 women. Leporello states that number in Don Giovanni. Once they had been abandoned, how did they live and survive, these 1003 hearts ? This play reworks the legend from the women's point of view. What remains, years after those moments of seduction and pleasure ? What had they liked about Don Juan ? What had their desire been like ? What fragments of him, what tiny details are engraved upon these lovers ? What images have been saved or retouched by the memory ? They were caught, set alight and soiled. But the absence of Don Juan becomes an obsession for them. They suffer. They open the painful diary of passion and separation. They emerge from a hypnotic state and are in agony.


stage direction László Hudi
collectif creation : Mozgó Ház
written and performed by : Júlia Bársony, Krisztina Birtalan, Adrienn Deli, Réka
Gévai, István Göz, Isabelle Lé, Zsolt Móninger, Frizsina Nagy, Erika
Pereszlényi, Elzbieta Sulykó, Balázs Vajna
lighting and stage design : György Árvai
costumes : Krisztina Berzsenyi
music : Balázs Barna


coproduction : Mozgó Ház Társulás (Hongrie), Festival d'Avignon (France), deSingel (Belgique), Berliner Festspiele, sophiensæle (Allemagne), TRAFÓ (Hongrie), Festival d'Automne de Budapest, THEOREM
avec le soutien de : la municipalité de Budapest, de la Fondation Soros Budapest, du Grand Théâtre de Groningen (Pays-Bas), de l'ONDA pour les surtitres et de Magyart, Saison hongroise en France

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