The Great Cabaret of Fear

by Geneviève de Kermabon

  • Theatre
  • Show
The 1999 archive

Geneviève de Kermabon



Cherubs, creatures of the night, black crows set loose on the crowd, an ensemble of instruments, atmosphere. The Great Cabaret of Fear by Geneviève de Kermabon gives free rein to imaginative energies so that the audience can relive their childhood fears and pleasures - memories that are mysteriously pent up inside and unbeknown to them, memories so funny and so beautiful that they take them by surprise. With music, song and silence the actors find their way back into a state of childlike wisdom, sensitive to fear and laughter, rendering our troubled souls tangible. The stage director's art is that of the circus: like a trapeze artist on their suspended rope, the actors play on the audience's nerves, making hearts beat faster and taking them, to their delight, out of themselves. This play illuminates with emotion, all kinds of hallucinations, excesses and terror that lie in the recesses of our imagination and are that just asking to be let out.


stage direction Geneviève de Kermabon

Music : Xavier Le Masne
Choreography : Philippe Olza
Decor and costumes : Elisabeth Neumüller
Lighting : Pascal Noël
Singing coach : France Pennetier
Make-up : Catherine Saint-Sever
Cast : Aurélie Balte, Eve Guerrier, René Hernandez, Olivier Lefevre, Marc Locci, Sandrine Montcoudiol, Joe Sheridan and Simon Simon
Musicians : Arnaud Aguergaray or Sotiris Kyriazopoulos (violin), Ludovic Milhiet or Raphaël Lemaire (trombone), Abel Billard (percussion) and Marie-Dominique Pongy (clarinet)


Coproduction : Établissement public du Parc de la Villette, Théâtre Djighite, Printemps des Comédiens-Hérault et Le Maillon-Théâtre de Strasbourg
Avec l'aide de : la DRAC Île de France et le soutien de l'Adami et de la Fondation Beaumarchais. Spectacles crées à : La Villette en mars 1999
Réalisés avec : les équipes du Parc de La Villette

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