Research and creation encounters : Tales, worlds and stories - Once upon a time

  • Debates and meetings

Since 2014, Rencontres Recherche et Création has been experimenting with new modes of dialogue between artists, researchers, cultural actors and the public. By bringing together the thinking of the works and the most recent research work, these Encounters displace the boundaries of knowledge and open up new perspectives for thinking differently about our present.

Dedicated to the theme "Tales, worlds and narratives", this 9th edition will explore the narratives that nourish the imaginations of individuals and societies and make a common world possible. It will allow us to question the forms of fiction, how they tell the everyday or the fairy tale, feed on myths and constantly transform them, cross cultures and eras, and modify our sensibilities and actions.

In dialogue with Simon Falguières, director:

- L'en-Droit du monde, with Samantha Besson, Professor, Collège de France and Professor of International Public Law and European Law, University of Fribourg
- Spectrality and Enchantment in Latin American Literature, with María del Pilar Blanco, Associate Professor of Latin American Literature, University of Oxford
- Narrativity of Exchanges between Adults and Babies: Between narrative and musicality of gestures, with Manuela Filippa, scientific collaborator, University of Geneva, professor of psychology of music, University and Conservatory of the Aosta Valley
- Last news of fear, with Patrick Boucheron, professor, history, Collège de France, holder of the chair "History of powers in Western Europe, xıııe-xvıe centuries

With the contributions of Catherine Courtet scientific director at the ANR, Thierry Damerval president and CEO of the ANR, Françoise Nyssen president of the Association de gestion du Festival d'Avignon, Antoine Petit president and CEO of the CNRS, Christophe Prochasson president of the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paul Rondin deputy director of the Festival d'Avignon, Agnès Troly director of the Festival d'Avignon program