Thomas Quillardet

Thomas Quillardet began directing in 2003 with Copi's Four Twins and Nelson Rodrigues's The Asphalt Kiss, during the festival Teatro em Ombras which he organised in Paris in 2005 to promote Brazilian theatre, a country to which he has strong ties. A recipient of the “Villa Médicis hors les murs” award, he directed in 2007 Le Frigo (The Fridge) and Loretta strong by Copi, a writer he is particularly fond of. Thomas Quillardet then started translating Brazilian and Portuguese writers into French. Merging their respective companies, Aurélien Chaussade, Maloue Fourdrinier, Claire Lapeyre Mazérat, Aliénor Marcadé-Séchan, and Thomas Quillardet founded the collective Jakart, within which he notably directed Valère Novarina's The Meal, Marcio Abreu's A History of Rock, Goldoni's The Holiday with Jeanne Candel, and Autonauts of the Cosmoroute, adapted from a book by Julio Cortázar and Carole Dunlop. In 2009, Thomas Quillardet went back to Brazil to direct Valère Novarina's The Flying Workshop. In 2014, his first foray into children's theatre with Les Trois Petits Cochons (The Three Little Pigs) met with great success at the Comédie-française. In 2017, he adapted with Marie Rémond and a new group of actors two screenplays by Eric Rohmer, and created Où les coeurs s'éprennent (Where Hearts Fall in Love).  

Portrait of Thomas Quillardet © portrait Mélina Vernant