Suzanne Andrade & Paul Barritt / 1927

The members of the team met by chance in the course of their various individual projects and decided in 2005 to form a company that would enable them to exploit and combine their different artistic gifts. Suzanne Andrade writes the scripts, acts and directs while Paul Barritt draws and directs the animated films that are projected onto gauzes to form the sets and décor for 1927's productions. Together with these two, and also appearing on the stage, Lilian Henley composes the music and Esme Appleton designs the costumes. Their shared aim is to create a performance style in which actors are integrated into a framework of animated movement, forming a dynamic and lively artwork and a precise theatrical mechanism, all of whose diverse elements combine harmoniously together. 1927 make their first visit to the Avignon Festival with their second production, which was eighteen months in the preparation and is now touring internationally.

JFP, April, 2012