Antonin Tri Hoang

Antonin Tri Hoang writes music and plays alto saxophone, clarinets and synthesizers. He studied at the Paris Conservatoire. From 2009 to 2013 he was a member of the Orchestre National de Jazz under Daniel Yvinec, playing music by Gil Goldstein, John Hollenbeck and Robert Wyatt. In 2011 he released his first album, Aéroplanes, in a duo with Benoît Delbecq. Since then, he has been developing his compositions with the Quartet Novembre (Calques 2013, 5 Synchronies 2014, Ornette/Apparitions 2016), editing and electronics for the Saturnium project with the artist SMITH (book-disc published by Actes-sud 2017) and musical performances with Chewing Gum Silence (2018 and book-disc in 2023), Original d'après une copie perdue (2020), Concerto contre piano et orchestre (2021), La Symphonie tombée du ciel (2024) with Samuel Achache. He can also be seen regularly with the Fakebooks trio, the WATT quartet, the Grand Bazar duo with Eve Risser and Hatice Özer's show Koudour.

Antonin Tri Hoang © Eric Garault