Alexandre Singh
When faced with an idea, a desire, or an inspiration, Alexandre Singh never asks himself “Why?” but “Why not?” Why not try his hand at sculpture, at writing, at drawing, at theatre or painting? Why not mix comedy with tragedy, metaphysics with satire? After studying fine arts at Oxford University, he began a protean work, halfway between performance, collage, and installation art, always characterised by a high narrative density and an attention to detail that verges on obsession. A lover of all great stories, which he looks for as much in literature, in the opera, in cinema, as in television, he examines their structure to then refine, enrich, or parody them. A Woody Allen fan, whose reference-laden humor he particularly appreciates, he is as adept at using irony as the absurd and the grotesque. His works have been so far displayed in galleries and museums, in Europe and in the United States. The Humans, his first play, was commissioned by Witte de With, the Rotterdam Center for Contemporary Art; it will be shown at the Rotterdamse Schouwburg, then at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. RB, April 2014