11 July // La Faille
By Serge Kribus
Reading directed by Paul Pascot
With Mélissa Merlo, Léo Nivot
Proposed by Théâtre du Balcon
12 July // Okinum
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By and with Émilie Monnet
Proposed by the Festival d'Avignon
13 July // L'arrêt de bus
By Gao Xingjian 高行健
Translated from the Chinese by Julien Gelas
Reading directed by Gérard Gelas
With Guillaume Lanson, Mouloud Belaïdi, Pauline Dumas, Clément Blanchard, Max Millet, Iana-Serena De Freitas, François Brett and Damien Remy
Proposed by Théâtre du Chêne Noir
14 July // Conversation with Joséphine
By and with Maroussia Pourpoint
With Philippe Gouyer-Montout (percussion),
Dramaturgy Penda Diouf
Proposed by Théâtre Transversal
15 July // Chevaleresses
By and with Nolwenn Le Doth
With Nolwenn Le Doth, Anna Pabst and the Arteceta choir
Proposed by Théâtre des Carmes André Benedetto
16 July // Du Paillasson considéré du point de vue des hérissons
By Maéti Visiniec
Reading directed by Alain Timár
With Camille Carraz, Edward Decesari, Nolwenn Le Doth, Sébastien Lanz, Matéi Visniec
Proposed by Théâtre des Halles
18 July // Retour de la préfecture
By Jessica Biermann Grunstein
Reading directed by Laëtitia Mazzoleni
With Claudio Dos Santos, Laetitia Mazzoleni
Proposed by Théâtre Transversal
19 July // Œuvrer son cri
By and with Logan De Carvalho, Alicia Devidal, Marie Menechi, Sacha Ribeiro, Simon Terrenoire, Alice Vannier
Reading directed by Sacha Ribeiro
Proposed by Théâtre des Carmes André Benedetto
20 July // Le petit prince de la cité
By Ali Babar Kenjah
Reading directed by Jean-Baptiste Barbuscia
With Noémie Boyer, Xavier Coppet, Guillaume Ruffin, Baudoin Jackson
Proposed by Théâtre du Balcon
21 July // La foufoune not so in love ces jours-ci
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By Léonora Miano
Proposed by the Festival d'Avignon
22 July // Du charbon dans les veines
By and with Jean-Philippe Daguerre
With Juliette Behar, Raphaëlle Cambray, Étienne Launay, Alexis Moncorgé, Julien Ratel, Aladin Reibel, Jean-Jacques Vanier
Proposed by Théâtre du Chien Qui Fume
23 July // À l'école du bonheur
By Saïd Ba
Reading directed by Guillaume Lanson
With Max Millet, Damien Remy, Jacques Vassy, Sébastien Gontier-Gilly, Océane Rucinski, Pauline Dumas, Holly-Rose Clegg, Mouloud Belaïdi, Liwen Liang and children from the Théâtre du Chêne Noir training workshops
Proposed by the Théâtre du Chêne Noir
24 July // American dream
By Nicoleta Esinencu
With Camille Carraz, Nolwenn Le Doth
Translation from Moldavian Alexandra Lazarescou
With the collaboration of Baptiste Mallek
Reading directed by Alain Timár
Proposed by Théâtre des Halles
25 July // Cache cache
By and with Vanessa Aiffe Ceccaldi
Reading directed by Bruno Sanches
Proposed by Théâtre du Chien Qui Fume