Performing arts digital stages

  • Professional meeting

With Dark Euphoria, le Grenier à sel, la French Tech Grande Provence, La Villa Créative

Two days of round tables, workshops and artistic performances focusing on the encounter between performing arts and digital experiences.

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At the initiative of a group of professionals from the South of France and in partnership with the Festival d’Avignon, the « Performing arts, digital stages » meetings invite professionals from the performing arts to consider the issues of digital transition and innovation (augmented and virtual stages, immersive theatre, hybrid forms, interactive devices, participative performances, etc.).

Organised by Dark Euphoria, le Grenier à sel, la French Tech Grande Provence, La Villa Créative

More information


Morning at the Université d'Avignon

XR devices in the theatre: standardisation, distribution, audience reception

9.30am - 10.30am

With Marie Ballarini teacher-reseacher, DRM Laboratory, MOST team at the Université Paris Dauphine PSL, Charles-Alexandre Delestage lecturer in Information and Communication at the MICA Laboratory at the Université Bordeaux Montaigne


Renewing the theatrical experience with spatialized sound

10.30am - 11.15am

With Jérémy Pouilloux producer at la Générale de Production

Legal issues: what questions should be asked when setting up a hybrid project?

10.30am - 11.15am

With Clara Benyamin lawyer

Shared software for performing arts: augmented reality, massive interaction, real-time audio

11.30am - 12.15pm

With Maxime Touroute creative technologist

Expertise, project support and resources of the French Institute for International Development

11.30am - 12.15pm

With Hannah Loué Digital and audiovisual creation project manager at the Institut français

Afternoon at the Grenier à Sel

The impact of AI on the performing arts professions

2pm - 2.45pm

With Jean Condé, Director of the Observatory of Prospective Employment and Certification at Afdas and Doctor of Human Sciences

From new writing to new stage forms: what skills?

2.45pm - 4pm

With Camille Duvelleroy director, Antoine Vanel creative technologist at Blindp0st, Samuel Tétreault artistic director and co-founder of Les 7 doigts de la main
Moderated by Géraldine Farage director of Pôle Pixel

Real or virtual stages: will the future of performing arts be hybrid?

4.15pm - 5.30pm

With Alexandra Marin, R&D project manager at the Société des Arts Technologiques, Michel Reilhac, programmer at Venice Immersive, Julie Peigné, project development assistant and artistic collaborator at the Théâtre de la Ville
Moderated by Isha Bottin, international project manager at XN Québec

Presentation of the SVSN award

5.30pm - 6.30pm

In the presence of Julien Dubuc, Director, INVIVO - Winner of the SVSN 2023 Prize
With Cédric Martins, Director of Communication and Promotion of Professions at Afdas Guy Moureau, Vice-President in charge of the sustainable and inclusive economy at Grand Avignon and the jury of the SVSN 2024 Prize

Practical infos
