Performing arts digital stages

  • Professional meeting

With Dark Euphoria, le Grenier à sel, la French Tech Grande Provence, La Villa Créative

Two days of round tables, workshops and artistic performances focusing on the encounter between performing arts and digital experiences.

Grenier à sel © EDIS


At the initiative of a group of professionals from the South of France and in partnership with the Festival d’Avignon, the « Performing arts, digital stages » meetings invite professionals from the performing arts to consider the issues of digital transition and innovation (augmented and virtual stages, immersive theatre, hybrid forms, interactive devices, participative performances, etc.).

More information



9.30am - 10am

With Pierre Gendronneau, Managing Director of the Festival d'Avignon and the SVSN committee

The performing arts meet a new generation of spectators

10am - 11.15am

With Amandine De Cosas Fernandes, Head of Communications at Opéra National de Lorraine, Jean Boillot, Stage director of Cie La Spirale, Arnaud Meunier Director of MC2, Grenoble's national stage
Moderated by Marie Point, Director of Dark Euphoria

SVSN open call pitch 1

11.15am - 11.30am

Immersive culture and metavers, France 2030 opportunities for performing arts

11.45am - 12.30pm

Avec Secrétariat Général pour l'investissement (SGPI), Bpifrane and Ministère de la Culture

SVSN open call pitch 2

12.30pm - 12.45pm

SVSN open call pitch 3

2pm - 2.15pm

International focus – a cross-section of views on digital transformations in live performance

2.15pm - 3.30pm

With Vanessa Hannesschlaeger Head of European projects, Ars Electronica and professionals from the international delegation, HACNUM
Moderated by Ilaria Bondavalli Head of European projects, Chroniques

SVSN open call pitch 4

3.30pm - 3.45pm

Immersive technologies for inclusion

4pm - 5.15pm

With Daniela Garcia co-founder of Sound X, Eric Minh Cuong Castaing choreographer at Cie Shonen, Clément Thibault Director of digital and visual arts at Le Cube Garges
Moderated by Laurence Le Ny Vice-president SVSN French Tech Grande Provence

SVSN open call pitch 5

5.15pm - 5.30pm

Practical infos
